Chapter 10

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Guys Perspective

"I fucking hate this," Gabe grumbled as he crumbled up another piece of paper out of his sketchpad and threw it in the trashcan.

"You aren't the only one," Luke pouted as he threw himself down on the couch, "I never thought it would be six weeks of no communication. Even when we were gone, we still talked, I don't like this, it makes me feel sick. How the hell do we fix this?"

"I don't know," Victor said as he played a morose tune on the piano.

The room was quiet outside of the sullen music coming from Victor when suddenly all their phones started vibrated and letting out a warning alarm. Since Corey's was right beside him as he stared at his laptop without actually doing anything, he hit the alarm.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" A man's voice came from the speaker causing everyone to jump up.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Brooke's voice was filled with gut wrenching fear as the group began grabbing their keys, aside from Raven who was sliding guns into his holsters while Corey and Victor typed away on their laptops. "HELP!"

North grabbed Corey's phone so he could try and listen for any noise in the background to help locate her. "DO NOT HANG UP!" Corey shouted as his fingers typed faster. "KEEP YOUR PHONE ON!"

"FUCK!" Brooke shouted as the recognizable sound of her phone dropping and her breath leaving her filled the room. Their stomachs dropped as they listened to her being punched. "You are going to fucking die you asshole," she gasped as they raced to their trucks and motorcycles the moment Corey sent her location to their phones.

Rage fueled them as they sped down the road with Raven in the lead, none of them caring about road rules at the moment. Brooke was in trouble, and they needed to get to her NOW. Their minds were racing with what could possibly be happening to her and what they were going to do to whoever was doing this to her. All sorts of ideas were forming as they raced to their destination. North and Brandon were right beside Raven as they pulled into the gas station. They parked their bikes and Raven slammed to a stop in his truck before they raced over to the man that was on top of Brooke, not caring one bit that they left their vehicles running.

Seeing a man on top of their girl with his hands on top of her choking the breath out of her had everyone seeing red. Raven grabbed the back of the man's neck and threw him away from her before storming over to him with the intent to kill. Sean dropped onto the asphalt and touched her shoulder as she coughed and gasped for air while trying to crawl away. Tears streamed down her face as she flinched away from him. "No," she whimpered as her body shook.

"It's me, Pookie," Sean said kneeling down in front of her while trying to calm down seeing the dirt, grease, and blood on her. "It's Dr. Sean." His mind was swirling with trying to assess her wounds while also wanting to serve his own justice and also trying to make sure no one killed the asshole that did this. This was NOT how they wanted to get back into Brooke's life AT ALL.

"S...s...Sean," her voice cracked as she dropped in front of him. Her eyes were pouring out tears and becoming glazed as she gasped. She started scratching her neck forming red lines that were going to start bleeding if he didn't stop her. He grabbed her hands and linked their fingers together so he could try and get her to try and control her breathing before she passed out.

"I got you, Brookie," he said trying to keep voice calm while looking at Gabe for help. "Let me, stop Brooke, let us help you." Gabe dropped to his knees behind her, "Gabe is going to take it off, I promise." She finally was able to focus on him and a small part of him internally sighed in relief, her panic was starting to lower, "Gabe is going to touch your neck and take it off, I promise you can breathe Brooke, just keep looking at me." A soft whimper slipped past her lips as Gabe's fingers moved her hair off her neck. "In," Sean said holding her gaze while giving her a smile, "good job, now out." Once he was sure she wasn't going to pass out he let go of her hands and Gabe walked around to show her that he had her chocker in his hands.

She looked around and saw North, Nathan and Raven punching the guy. "Stop," she said as she crawled over to them. Her body was still shaking, and Sean was trying to get her to stop so he could look at her but she ignored his pleas. She stood and said it louder this time, "Stop."

The three guys stopped, "Brooke?" Nathan asked, confused. Why would she want them to stop hurting the guy that hurt her?

They took a step back when she dropped and punched the guy. Pride filled them as they watched her punch him over and over. "You asshole," she said through clenched teeth. Even bleeding and bruised she took their breath away as she beat the shit out of this dude. Who was he anyway?

"Alright, Baby," North said proudly as he picked her up. The guy was nearly unconscious, and her throws were becoming weak as her energy was draining out of her. Besides Doc needed to make sure she was okay. "You taught him a good lesson about messing with you. You did so good, Baby." He repeated as he carried her away while she shouted curses at him that was making Gabe beam with pride. Maybe he needed to start restricting her time with Gabe after this.

"You fucking idiot, my Professional Russian is going to show you EXACTLY who he is!" She shouted as she wildly kicked and waved her arms trying to break free from North's hold. "You done fucked up! I told you—"

Silas laughed at her weak attempts, despite the situation she was so breathtaking, and it was honestly adorable seeing her tiny frame trying to be as fierce as them. He needed to ask Kota for another word besides pride. They were all proud of her for trying to defend herself and also still call out for them. They were proud but even more than that, he just didn't know if there was a word for what he knew they were all filling for her, other than the rage and concern also. "Alright Angelos Mou," Silas interrupted her tirade smirking as he blocked her view and cupped her face with his hands, which instantly stilled her flaying. "Let's rest that throat of yours now, okay? Please?" he asked taking in the blood on her face and neck. "Are you hurting or still on an adrenaline high?" She whimpered and held her shaking arms up.

"Upsie?" she pouted making him chuckle softly.

"Let go, North," Silas demanded as North chuckled letting go of his grip just enough that Silas could pull her out of North's hold. The moment Silas wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms were around his neck, she burst into tears. "I know, Angelos Mou, I know," he cooed as he leaned against her car and held her. "We have you, you're safe now, Angelos Mou, you're safe."

"I need to take her to the hospital, Silas," Sean spoke gently as he walked over to them.

"No," Brooke hiccupped while soaking Silas' shirt, "Un...un...uncle...l...l...lunch."

"Okay," Sean nodded looking at the ones that were close by. He would prefer the hospital but if that was what Brooke needed to go to feel safe then fine, besides Uncle would have what he needed and he needed to know what was going on anyway.

"I'll call Uncle," North said pulling his phone out of his pocket. "He'll want to know what happened anyway." His voice was strained as he tried to calm down.

"Go ahead and take her, Si," Corey said coming over to them. "We'll be right behind you, Sweetheart, just as soon as we're able to call off your professional Russian."

She whimpered and lifted her head before somewhat lifting her hand. Silas nodded and carried her over to where Raven was pressing his knee into the man's spine while talking in Russian through clenched teeth as he twirled a knife between his fingers and Marc was unraveling some rope.

"Bear," she whimpered making Raven instantly look up at the same time applying more pressure into the spine, letting a painful groan leave the man's bleeding mouth. She reached out as tears dripped onto the ground, "Bear, Uncle."

Raven stood, kicking the man between the legs hard making all of them wince before walking over to group. Marc finished tying up the man and North, Nathan and Brandon carried him as they headed to their vehicles. Raven slid his knife into his pocket, "Da, Kotenok."

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