Chapter 16

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Brooke woke up as she felt her head being carefully moved. "Mhmmm..." she murmured as she tried to go back to sleep.

"Sorry Doll," Axel chuckled as he started to run his fingers through her hair. "Go back to sleep."

"No," she yawned, "hungry."

"Alright Sleeping Beauty," Luke chuckled, "I'll go get you your breakfast sandwiches now that you are awake. Do you want one or both?"

"One now peas?" she asked

"Alright Little One," Luke chuckled as got up from where he was sitting.

"Ugh how long?" she asked as she clutched her head and slowly sat up.

"Couple of hours after Owen brought you downstairs," Axel answered as he quickly braided her hair out of her face for her, despite knowing Gabe will just undo it and do it again.

"Here you go, Little One," Luke said as he came around and held out a plate.

"Ewww no," she quickly covered her mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

"What the fuck?" Luke asked.

"Call Doc," Axel said as he rushed to follow her.

"Go way," she groaned feeling Axel's hand on her back. "No see."

"It's nothing we haven't seen before, Doll," Axel forced himself not to chuckle. "There you go."

"Hate," she cried as she continued to dry heave. "Owwwieeee."

"I know, Doll," Axel soothed as he rubbed her back. "I know, do you think you are done?"

"No," she whimpered as she dry heaved again.

"Doc thinks it's because of how little she ate. She only had one slice of pizza last night then remember Brandon only got her to eat a couple of bites after we got her before she fell asleep," North said as he stood in the doorway. "And you know how she forgets to eat when she is upset so tell me Baby Girl did you eat breakfast before you were going to see Uncle?"

"Owww," she groaned as she fell back against Axel.

"I'll take that as a no," North frowned as he forced himself not to growl.

"Sorry North," she burst into tears.

"Hush now Doll," Axel soothed as he turned her so she could hide her face in his neck. "North isn't mad at you. He's mad at himself for not fixing our fight before all this so he could be able to make sure you eat like he loves to do, that's all. I promise he isn't mad at you."

"K...K...kay," she whimpered as he ran his hand up and down her back softly.

"Come here Baby Girl," North said as he helped Axel stand then placed her on the bathroom counter. Axel stepped back and North took his place in front of her. He cupped her chin as he helped her rinse out her mouth then brush her teeth. "Come on, let's go make some smoothies."

"Okay," she sniffled as he picked her up, instantly making her wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

"I'm not mad at you Baby Girl," he murmured as he carried her into the kitchen. He sat her on the counter then started pulling out various fruits. She sniffled again and weakly smiled as he stood in front of her again. "I'm sorry," he whispered as he wiped a tear off her cheek.

"Me too," she whispered. She held her arms out and he chuckled as he hugged her. North held her until she let go, smiling when he saw her smile. "All better."

"Good," he kissed her forehead then started making their smoothies. Once they were done, he poured them into her their matching galaxy tumblers making her beam as he held hers out to her, "Drink."

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