Chapter 11

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"Here we go, one blue slushie for the brave warrior princess," Uncle said as he held out to Brooke. Her eyes lit up as she opened her mouth. He chuckled as Marc took the cup from him and carefully placed the straw in her mouth. "I'm very proud of you, Brookey," Uncle said as he watched Sean care for her wounds on her knuckles. "Can you tell me what happened now?" She shook her head as Marc put the cup beside him then took the ChapStick out of his pocket and gently applied it to her cut up lip. "That's okay, I already talked to the boys, I just wanted your perspective, but it can wait until you are ready." She smiled gratefully up at him then winced as Sean started applying some ointment to her neck.

"Sorry Pookie," Sean whispered as he applied a bandage to a cut.

"I just have one question that I need answered right now, Brooke," Uncle said sternly yet softly. She looked over at him, "did you recognize the asshole that did this to you?" She shook her head, whimpering as Sean placed a kiss on her forehead before removing his gloves. "Okay," Uncle nodded as he patted her knee then winced when she flinched, "Sorry, Little One."

"Know you didn't mean it," she whispered hoarsely. "Sorry Uncle."

"There is nothing to be sorry for Brooke, you did nothing wrong." He gently gripped her chin and waited until she looked into his eyes. "You did nothing wrong, do you hear me, Brooke?"

A tear slipped down her face as a sigh of relief left her lips, "Yes, Uncle."

"Good," he smiled softly before kissing her forehead in a fatherly way. "Now, do you think you can try some soup?"

He nodded and Marc watched as she used Uncle's aid to stand. Sean walked in just as she took a couple of steps. "Doc?"

"Yes, Pookie?" Sean asked, assessing her still.

"Treat Boys?"

He smiled and nodded, "I'm on my way to check them now. They are in the dining room waiting on us."

"Kay," She whispered as she took another step then started to fall as she lost feeling in her legs. Uncle swooped her up as she started crying again.

"You're okay Brookey," Uncle said soothingly, "it's just your adrenaline dropping and your nerves needing a break. You're okay."

"I got her," Silas said coming to stand in front of them. Uncle carefully transferred her into Silas' arms while Gabe draped a soft blanket around them. Silas sat down, kissed her hair, then started gently rubbing her back. "I have you Angelos Mou," he whispered over and over as she cried. "You're safe, I have you."

"Here," Sean said holding up a syringe, "this will help some but she has to eat or it will make her sick."

"Look at me, Angelos Mou," Silas said gently pulling her back just enough to look at her face. He pushed her damp hair out of her face while Corey wiped her face with a tissue. "Eímaste tóso perífanoi gia séna, Brouk. Eísai tóso dynatí kai ómorfi kai kóveis tin anása. Makári na boroúsate na deíte aftó pou vlépoume se esás kai éfchomai na boroúsate na deíte tin agápi mas gia esás, allá den peirázei giatí xéroume óti mia méra tha to kánete. Tha échete pánta tis kardiés mas kai eímaste afosioménoi móno se esás. Eísai i theá mas kai mia méra tha eísai i gynaíka mas. Tha plirósoume aftón ton maláka gia tin pligí sas, to orkizómaste.(We are so proud of you, Brooke. You are so strong and beautiful and breath taking. I wish you could see what we see in you, and I wish you could see our love for you but it's okay because we know that one day you will. You will always have our hearts and we are devoted to only you. You are our goddess and one day you will be our wife. We will pay this asshole pay for hurting you, we swear it.)"

"Wh...wh...what did--?" she asked as she hiccupped.

He smirked and tapped her nose, "I'll tell you one day, but you didn't feel the shot now did you?"

Her eyes widened as she saw Sean put the cap on it before wrapping it up and placing it in his bag so he could properly dispose of it later. "Sneaky," she whispered making everyone chuckle while she looked down at the sparkly non latex Band-Aid on her arm.

"Yes, but it's better than you stress and hurting even more with your fear of shots," Sean said as he put fresh gloves on to start cleaning Raven's bloody knuckles.

"Thank you," she whispered as Gabe braided her hair.

"Here you go Babe," Brandon said as he placed a bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup in front of her. He scooped up a spoonful, blew on it, placed the spoon to his lips to test the temperature before holding it out in front of her mouth. "Careful, it's still a little hot."

She sniffled, blew on it then swallowed it, "thank you."

He smiled and nodded, "Course, Babe."

The group watched as Brandon gently fed her while their minds swirled with various thoughts. Halfway through she slowly started to sway so Kota held her up while Silas quickly took the dry shirt from Gabe and changed. Kota laid her against Silas' chest and within seconds she was fast asleep.

Uncle watched her for a few minutes and once he was sure she was in a deep sleep he looked at the group, "Alright, now what's the plan?"

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