Chapter 36

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"I know that," Charon glared. "Do you want to take over and do my job for me?" Cerberus sighed as he began pacing. "I'm doing everything I can, alright?"

"How did you know?" Curupira asked inquisitively.

"The minions are talking," Cerberus mumbled as his brain racked with various ideas.

"Well, looks like I will be making a sudden visit, hopefully, those damn mortals don't ask a shit ton of questions like they did with Foras. I will make sure to find our Queen. You two find out what happened," Curupira said as he made his way over to Brooke. He kissed her forehead as he whispered, "Don't give up just yet, Little Firecracker. I promise to find you."

'Woods?' she thought briefly before there was a glimmery haze and a woman with dark pink hair and bright flowers woven into it knelt before her. Brooke tried to find the energy to look upon her with curiosity but there was nothing in her except numbness. The woman's lime green eyes stared into hers before a sad smile formed.

Charon and Cereberus watched in shock before she sent them a wink then turned her attention back to Brooke. "You aren't ready for this life just yet, Brooke," she spoke gently while pushing some hair behind Brooke's ear. "One day you will but it's not today. Why would you want to lose your other half when so many humans and demons love you with such deep intensity they would burn multiple worlds for you just so you won't experience any more hurt? Just be strong a little longer." She placed a finger to her lips, "You're stronger than you think. You have a lot of water in you, trust that power in you. It will never lead you astray."

She stood and just as quickly as she appeared she was gone, the only remnant of her was the fading haze. "What the fuck did that mean?" Cerberus asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Water can both nourish and destroy," Brooke replied in a monotone. "It can give health to people but also demolish mountains and villages. Water is both life and death."


"Styxx," she replied with the same emotionless tone.

"What happened?"

"Just wanted to stop the pain," she replied honestly. "Couldn't face them after I was like that. They don't need to see me like that. They don't need to deal with that, with everything. I just wanted to hide in my favorite spot until I could get the pain to stop. I fell asleep and woke up here."

"Hmm, did you just go to the room and fall asleep or was there something in there that affected your health?" Cerberus questioned as he folded his arms.

"I...umm," Brooke hesitated in admitting what she truly had done. The two demons looked at one another before looking at her with a curious expression while arching an eyebrow.

"Move," a voice said from behind them. They jumped at the sudden voice then rolled their eyes as Gusion stood there.

"Merlin," she said as he knelt before her.

"Tell me what happened, Little Witch," he demanded in a soft tone. No one could lie to him, even with the help of magic.

"I snuck into Raven's room and stole a bottle of Vodka along with my medication since I was in severe pain. The bandages got itchy so I took them off and I remember something about my arm and hip briefly hitting something when I tried to get comfortable but I didn't see anything so it was probably nothing. I was getting sleepy and cold so I covered up with my blanket and fell asleep."

"Which favorite hiding spot, Little Witch?" Gusion asked. "You have more than one."

"My favorite favorite," she admitted. "Why can't I hide it, Merlin? Are you spelling me?"

"Never," he said, shaking his blue-skinned head, making his grey hair briefly mask his face before he pushed it over his shoulder. "I swore I would never use my magic on you and I mean it, even now."

"I just wanted it to stop," she sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Would seeing your tormentor suffering help you?" a voice boomed through the room causing everyone to whip their heads towards the door. There stood Paimon leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, his dark hair tied back in a low ponytail with a leather knot that often reminded her of his human's Native American heritage as it draped over his shoulder.

"I don't know," she replied honestly. She wanted to hide the words and stop them from spilling but something wouldn't let her. "I don't like this, Merlin, stop it."

"Now Little Devil, you know Merlin doesn't use his powers on us without our permission. Although, his aura pulls the truth of those around him. Anyways, why would you want to hide this secret spot of yours? If we don't get to your body soon, we will lose you and I know that I can speak for everyone that we will miss you greatly," Paimon said as he crossed the room and squatted in front of her. "Without your humans you won't be here with us when you pass into our realm."

"But...but King! It's my special spot. No one even remembers it!" Brooke whined out as she settled on a pout. She tried to create tears and give the puppy dog look but she couldn't since she didn't have the energy anymore.

"Now now Little Devil, stick that lip back in." He tapped her lip while smirking. "Do you honestly want to leave behind your humans and us forever?"

"No," she replied honestly. "But if I have to in order to save you from all my problems and hassles then I'm okay with it."

"Those pesky humans love you, Little Devil," he smiled, "and we love you too much to lose you. So you will tell us where you are so we can remind those humans and keep you with us until you are supposed to be here and not a moment sooner. Understood?"

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