Chapter 15

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Brooke woke up and sighed softly as the scent of Irish Spring surrounded her. She lifted his arm but he quickly woke, "go back to sleep, Little One," his voice thick and heavy with sleep, "I have you."

"Bathroom," she mumbled.

Owen lifted his arm from her and yawned as she slid off the bed. She winced slightly as she walked over to the bathroom. Owen sat up and stretched as he waited for her to return. A few minutes later the door opened and there she stood in his gray tee shirt and some shorts. "Morning, Little One," he said watching her closely, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm exhausted," she admitted as she walked back over to the bed. She climbed up and crawled over to him. Tilting her head slightly, she squinted as she stared into his eyes, "Owen," she whispered after a few minutes. "Okay," she sighed as she laid her head in his lap and let out a soft hum as he started moving her hair out of her face and off her neck.

"Do you want to sleep some more, Darling?" he asked while slipping his glasses on.

"No," she whispered. "Not sleepy but tired."

"Okay," he nodded. "Do you want a normal day or a family day?"

"Anyone on work?" she whispered as he ran his fingers up and down her back.

"Yes but only short assignments," he admitted. "They should be back within the next couple of hours. If you want a family day I can have them come home immediately, these aren't serious assignments," he explained. "They can be accomplished on another day."

"No," she whispered, "both please."

"Okay Darling," he whispered, "I'll have Mr. Lee," she weakly slapped his leg, "I apologize," he forced back a smirk, "I will have Kota send out a notice that after the assignments are finished they are to return home and we will have a family day for the remainder of the day. How does that sound?"


She listened as Owen started typing away on his phone. A minute later he sat it down on the nightstand, "Are you ready for breakfast now?"

She barely shook her head, "too tired."

"Okay, I will ask Axel to make something light and that can be put to the side until you regain some more of your energy," Owen said as he picked up his phone again. He quickly sent out a text then set it back down. "How about if I carry you downstairs and we set up a comfy place for you on the couch so you can watch some TV and I get some work done at the same time?"

"Carry?" she asked meekly.

"Of course," he replied while looking at his phone. "Mr. Toma...I mean Axel, said that Mr. Taylor Sr, I mean Luke brought home some ham and cheese breakfast sandwiches from the bakery and he placed two to the side, specifically for you. We can heat it up when you are hungry."

"Kay," she whispered as she closed her eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of Owen running his fingers through her hair.

"Come on, my precious treasure," he let slip a smirk. She patted his leg causing him to chuckle, "I apologize, my Darling, let's go downstairs."

She pouted then lifted up, "fine."

"I'll still be with you," he barely smirked, "you can rest in my lap while I work."

"Okay," she smiled as he scooped her up.

Once in the living room, he placed her on the couch then grabbed the blanket off the back of it to cover her up. She pouted, making him raise his eyebrow at her, "What?"

"Too rough," she pouted.

"Very well," he said while putting it back on the couch. "I will go get mine from the bed, I will be right back." She watched as he left the room.

"Morning, Doll," Axel smiled as he came into the living room. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Juice please," she pouted.

He smirked, "Of course, one cup of juice coming right up for My Doll."

She smiled, "Thank you, Wolfy."

"Here we go, one super soft blanket for our girl," Owen said as he came face to face with Axel. "Morning Mr...Axel," he corrected.

Axel's eyes widened as a smile slowly appeared, "Good morning, Owen. I was just going to get Doll some apple juice."

"Appreciate it," Owen nodded, "Was Kota about to send out the family notice?"

"Yes," Axel nodded, "everyone should be home in the next hour and half. Corey and Gabe will be a little late because they are going to stop by the store and get a few new DVDs, puzzles, and some other supplies for family day."

"Very well," Owen nodded as Axel headed to the kitchen. Brooke lifted her head so Owen could sit down then placed her head in his lap. He draped the blanket over her body then asked, "How does that feel?"

"Better," she whispered as he turned on Lost Boys then rested his laptop on the arm of the couch before opening it.

"Good," he said as he began typing in his password. "Now be a good girl and rest while I get some work done before the rest of the family comes home."

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