Project M Special Finale!

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Melody's P-O-V

I kicked and screamed. He took a hand and put it over my mouth.

"Stop acting like a baby!"

He removed his hand and I began to kick and scream again.

"Okay. You want to act like that?"

He picked me up and slammed me against the wall.

"Now listen to me you worthless piece of nothing! Remember when I told you that I wasn't leaving this relationship empty handed?"

I nodded my head in remembrance of what he had told me earlier today.

"THIS!" he said pointing below my waist, "Is what I meant! I want what's mine! Now give it up!"

"NO!" I yelled back.

He slapped the crud out of me and slammed me on the wall again.

"Yes you will!" He said slipping his hand up my bathing suit top.

I closed my eyes in fear of seeing anymore of this. I was hoping to be able to open them and everything disappeared. I was hoping that this was just a nightmare and I was able to snuggle up in bed with my parents like I did when I was younger, but that wasn't the case.

"HELP! PLEASE?! SOMEBODY!" I screamed as I felt my top slip off.

I felt helpless. Just then, there was a bang on the door.

"HEL-" I began to shout before Travis covered my mouth again.

"You shut your mouth!" He whispered harshly.

When he removed it, I screamed out for help again. But he then slapped me. Hard. I wasn't expecting it. He then released me from his grip and I slid down the wall until I touched the floor. I then rolled up into a ball and cried. I heard him laughing. He walked up to me and raised his foot. I began to get showered with kicks to my ribs and all over. I soon slipped out of consciousness.

Prodigy's P-O-V

I kicked down every door I came across. The sights you see behind closed doors can be really intense. I don't even want to talk about it.


I heard a noise coming from against the walls of one room. Then I listened through the door and heard muffled screams that said: "HELP! PLEASE?! SOMEBODY!" This has to be it! After kicking all of those other doors, it took a few tries to kick the door open. But I soon got it to viciously swing out.


Travis turned to look at me with a smirk on his face. He looked completely disheveled as he heaved heavily.

"I knew you would show up. Ready to face off?"

I looked around the room to look for Melody. I saw her body stripped and bruised. She was a limp heap of mass laying on the ground. The sight made my blood boil. I felt anger build quickly. I pounced on Travis and threw as many punches as I could before feeling hands pull me. It was Roc, Ray, and Prince.

"Prodigy calm down!" Roc said.

"I'm going to tear you apart!" I yelled continuing to go after Travis.

I was still swinging, after him as some of his friends helped him up. One girl went over to Melody's body and took her pulse.

"She's still alive. Just somebody! Please call 911!"

I immediately saw people take out their phones.

"What in tarnation is going- Melody!" I heard Leslie say as she ran to her. "This is all my fault! I should have told her from the beginning!"

What was she talking about?

"MELODY! NO!" I heard Andrew yell going over to her side. "Travis!"

He sprinted toward Travis and threw a sucker punch. I was then able to get free and join in on the fight. Just then all of Travis' friends joined in as I squared up with Travis and Roc, Ray, Prince, and Andrew fought off the other guys.


"Come on son!"

"Stop it you guys!"

"Woo! Prodigy is a beast!"

"Look at Roc though!"

"This is too unreal!"

I heard yells coming from everywhere. But the one that really got me was from Leslie, "Quit acting like neanderthals!"

I stopped throwing punches and that's when I heard this: "STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW!"

We all turned around to see 5-O. They had guns and looked as if they weren't playing around.

The paramedics picked up Melody's body and Leslie went with her. The house was cleared out symbolizing the traumatic end of Project M. As for us, we got handcuffed and driven down to the station. I sat in the car with a bloody nose and a slightly swollen face with a few cuts. My knuckles hurt. They throbbed. But I didn't cry and I didn't get upset. I faced it with a poker face and wasn't shaken up a bit.


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