Chapter 49: The Mess That Love Could Bring

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Misty's P-O-V

We were back from the bakery and I sat in my hotel room and flipped through a magazine trying hard to ignore my thoughts about Ray-Ray.

Nadine walked in smiling all happy, "Hey, Mists."

I was not in a good mood. So seeing her that way made me sick. I swear, no matter what, Nadine's relationships always seem so perfect. When she and Princeton broke up, it was so unexpected because they looked so perfect. And now she has Jaden and they look so perfect for each other. How come Ray and I can't be that way? Why can't we just go at least a day without a fight?

"Hey," I responded back dryly.

"Don't be such a Debbie Downer," she said hopping on my bed.

I didn't look away from the magazine, "Trick, don't kill my vibe."

I heard her sigh then she got up, "You know that girl was lying, right?"

"I don't care."

"Misty, you know Ray loves you. He would never cheat on you."

"I said I don't care. It doesn't matter what he does."

"Really, Misty? You're going to just believe some random girl over your boyfriend who has been faithful to you as much as possible."

"Listen, I don't need you telling me how to handle my relationship, okay? Go and be perfect with your perfect new boyfriend in your new and perfect relationship."

"See? That's why!"

"What?" I said putting my magazine down getting ready to shut her up.

"You push Ray-Ray away! You think you're always right! Princeton cheated on me multiple times and I put up with it for months! There was never anything perfect! Just because Jaden and I are fresh and brand new, do you think we don't bump heads? Nothing can ever be perfect! I struggle with Princeton too. I want him back, but I'm scared that he'll cheat on me again! And Jaden is a good guy, but I don't feel like we're meant to be! But no one knows that!

I don't let anyone know that I'm confused inside. That I feel like I'm too fat or too skinny or too this and that! I keep it to myself because not everyone is supposed to know your business! So listen to me, everything is not what it seems, Misty! Get that through your thick skull! You can't just assume and stay in that stupid bubble! You have to know that whole side of the story! So stop feeling sorry for yourself when you're the problem, get up off of your sorry butt, and go fix the situation with Ray!"

My jaw dropped and I sat there in complete shock as she huffed and puffed from all of the yelling she had just done. I can't believe she just said all of that to me. And she was right. I didn't trust Ray enough. But I somewhat felt disrespected from her. But I could beat her up later. I think it would be best to get Ray.

I got off of the bed and headed for the door, "I'm going to go. I got to go."


"Where else? To get my man."

I left my room and went to see if Ray was in his. I turned the knob which revealed that the door was surprisingly unlocked then snuck in to see a sight that made my heart drop out of my chest. Ray was actually smiling. He was happy. And he wasn't alone. He was sitting with some girl. Then I nearly died seeing him kiss her!

I didn't say anything. I just left before he could see me. It hurt me to see that he moved on so quickly. As I walked down the hallway, I felt a tear slip from my eyes and I just began to break down crying right after.

"Hey, are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked up to see Princeton. I got embarrassed then quickly wiped my tears away.

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