Chapter 15: Travis Is The Equivalent To Wreck-It Ralph

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Melody's P-O-V

When the movie was over, we all walked out and Prodigy came up to me. Travis stepped between us immediately.

"What do you want?"

"This is between me and her. So I suggest you get out of my face."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah," Prodigy said looking around Travis at me.

I broke eye contact with him.

"Don't be looking at her like that," Travis said stepping in between us again.

"What are you going to do about it?"

I heard heavy breathing from Travis. I looked up and saw Travis' hands balled up into fists. He then lifted his left fist and sent it flying towards Prodigy's nose.

"NO!" I yelled stopping it before it collided with Prod's nose.

"Melody! What are you doing?" Travis questioned, "You don't want me to bash his face in?"

"Travis, just leave him alone."

"Are you taking up for this fool?"

I looked at Prodigy and he had a shocked expression on his face.

"I just think it isn't worth it," I finally replied.

"He basically just disrespected you and me. He's been disrespecting us for too long. We need to put an end to it, Melody!"

"It's alright Travis. Just leave him alone, okay?"

"You still like this dude, don't you Melody? Ya'll two doing something behind my back?"

"Travis! No!"

"Nah! Don't lie to me Melody! I bet you're cheating on me with him aren't you?"

"Travis!" I yelled feeling upset that he would just accuse me.

"Hey! Don't talk to her about cheating! If anyone's a cheater, it's you!" Prodigy yelled getting in Travis' face.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. I felt a headache coming on.

"I would never do that to her!" Travis retorted then came over to me, "But apparently, that means nothing to you because you got this dude continuously disrespecting us and not letting me teach him a lesson. That obviously shows you care about him more than this relationship. So I'll just be out of here."

He began to walk away, but I ran in front of him and stopped him in his tracks.

"Travis! No! That's not how it is between Prodigy and I. I would never even think of cheating on you. Come on. Let's just forget this whole thing and go for a walk or something," I said grabbing his hand.

He snatched it away, "It's over between us Melody!"

He pushed past me then stopped in front of Prodigy, "Oh. And since I'm not with her anymore..."


Travis' anxious fist finally made it to Prodigy's nose. Prodigy stumbled back and Travis grinned menacingly. Prod's nose was bleeding. I couldn't move at all. I just watched in awe, shocked that he even thought of doing that.

"Don't ever let me hear you disrespecting me like that again. Keep my name and business out of your mouth," Travis spat.

"Oh. You won't hear me... Because you'll be dead!"

Prodigy lunged at Travis and began attacking him with blows to the face. Ray-Ray, Princeton, and I ran over to pull Prodigy off of him. We finally got him off and I helped Travis up. He flailed his arms in a frenzy, pushing me away from him. His face looked swollen. His nose was bleeding and he had a black eye. I felt horrible.

He looked at Prodigy then said, "This ain't over."

With that, he bumped Prodigy's shoulder and walked out of the door. I felt the eyes of the entire lobby staring at me. I started to tear up.

"You idiot!" I yelled running up on Prodigy, "You could have killed him! I don't even want you Prodigy! You have him thinking that I was cheating with you!" I began hitting him, "You're just stupid!" Hit. "You're dumb!" Hit. "You're an imbecile!" Hit. "You're impossible!" Hit, hit. "I hate you!"

I broke down into tears. My emotions got ahold of me.

"I hate you!" I yelled hitting Prodigy's chest again but lightly.

He pulled me closer.

"I hate you..." I said giving him one last light hit in his embrace.

"I hate you..." I said trailing off.

I began wailing like a baby in his arms. I couldn't help it. So much just happened before my eyes. A few seconds ago, the guy I loved just dumped me. I didn't know what to do.

"Come on. Let's get you home," Prodigy whispered to me.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and led me to their van. Roc was already sitting in there.

"Whoa. What happened?"

"Don't ask," Princeton replied.

I couldn't stop crying. My head was hurting and I began shaking like a chiuaua. But Prodigy remained calm and let me soak his shirt up with my DNA... No one has ever seen me like this other than my parents, Leslie, and Andrew. As I was being driven home, I drifted to sleep on Prodigy's chest. A deeply comfortable sleep.


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