Chapter 33: Guilt

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Andrew's P-O-V

I sat in the cell with a Travis and a few of his friends. I was waiting for my mom's arrival. I hope she doesn't start to nag me because she has no room to do that.

"Andrew Louis, you're free to go," the cop said unlocking the door.

I walked out to see my mother with a disappointed look on her face. I shrugged off my emotions and went on to the car as she did some paper works. I watched as my mother walked out of the station and into the car.

"Andrew, how could yo-"

"Mom, just shut your mouth. You have no room to be disappointed in anyone."

She looked at me wide-eyed and mouth agape, "Andrew!"

"Elizabeth!" I yelled back using her real name.

She then slapped me across my face, "I should have left you in that jail cell to rot! All you ever do is disrespect me!"

I became flustered with anger, "Well all you ever do is get drunk and disrespect me!"

"Are you still mad at me for this? Andrew I said I was sorry!"

"Sorry isn't good enough!"

"Well what do you want me to do?"

"Nothing. I just want to get away from you and I want you to stay away from me. Okay?"

"Andrew, you don't mean that, do you?"

"I do."

She let out a sigh, "Fine. If you think your life is just so much more snazzier without me then just go. Get out of my car."


I opened the car door and got out. I took out my phone only to find that it was dead. I then angrily made my way to a phone booth to make a phone call to Leslie.

"Hey, what hospital are you at?" She told me the name and I knew that it was not too far from here, "I'm on my way."

Leslie's P-O-V

I had just gotten a call from Andrew saying that he was on his way here. I'm just glad he's out of jail. I wonder if Roc is out too?

"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson? Your daughter, she suffers from a broken ribcage and a sprained wrist. With a minor concussion from a blow to the head with a blunt object of some sort. She'll be fine. Her injuries are not too serious or life threatening. Right now, she's still in her unconscious state, but when she comes to we will inform you," the doctor said immediately after showing up.

"I can't believe this!" Melody's father yelled pacing back and forth of the hospital waiting room.

Melody's mother sat silent. I saw tears fall from her eyes as I put my head on her shoulder and held her. I should have done more to protect her from Travis. I should have known better than to let her go through with this party or to not even let anyone know about Travis' abusive side.

"My baby..." she whimpered, "She's hurting. She's sitting there in a hospital room unconscious because I said that Travis was a good boy. Because I was dumb enough to trust that little boy..."

Melody's father turned to look at her.

"Go ahead David. Rub it in. You were right."

"Honey, it's not the time. Our daughter is in some room hooked up to wires unconscious. Right now, it's just about her well-being. Not whose fault it is."

She stood up and he held her in his arms. Seeing them that way made me think of Roc and I. It would be so nice to feel his comforting arms around me right now. He was like a teddy bear. He may have looked rough, but he's really the sweetest guy you could ever encounter.

But then the thoughts of what I did with Chris floated back and I felt sick of myself. The fact that I'm keeping that secret is wrong, I mean, he told me about Malkia. Maybe I should let him know.

Just then a nurse came out, "Your daughter is now conscious, but she said she doesn't want to see you guys just yet. Is there a Leslie Jackson out here?"

I stood up, "Right here."

"The patient, Melody Johnson, wants to speak with you."


I followed the nurse into Melody's hospital room.

"Would you like anything else?" The nurse asked Melody.

Her voice was raspy, but she told her that she was not in need of anything.

"Alright, well call me if you need anything else, okay? Just press that button right there," she responded pointing at a buzzer by the side of Melody's bed.

"Sure thing."

With that, the woman left us alone.

"Can you explain to me what happened?" she asked as soon as the door shut.

I could see that speaking was hard for her because as she said those words, I watched her wince in pain and her face scrunch up from how bad it hurt.

"You mean, you don't remember?"


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