Chapter 38: Final Wishes and Decisions

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Andrew's P-O-V

I went back into the guest room and laid back on my bed. I took a deep breath and pulled the note out of my pocket. In my hand, I held my mother's final words. I wondered what would be in it. Would it just be her telling me she loved me? Would it be her passing on some money to me? Would it be her explaining why she did it? Only one way to find out.

I slowly unfolded the paper and looked at the words that were scribbled on the paper. There were tear stains and a red lipstick, indicating that it would be the final and eternal kiss that I would ever receive from her. I began to read it:


I'm sorry. I wasn't the best mother, I know. But I still do and forever will love you. Just keep that in mind. I did this because I feel like my existence probably won't benefit you... I know that you always preferred your father over me. And I knew that you probably only came back to go to school with your friends. So, what is the point of me being here? If I couldn't have you then I really had no one. I just hope that you can forgive me for what I did because no matter what you did, I appreciated you as a son.

I never had much, but I'm going to give you all I have left. You're probably staying with Melody now, so go back home. I want you check in the closet behind my clothes. You'll find a key taped to the wall. Grab it then look under my bed and you'll find a box. Don't open it until you get back to Melody's house and you're all alone. Just be safe. And remember, I love you.


I wiped the tears from my eyes. And folded the paper back up. Shoving it into my pocket once more. This note meant more to me than anything. I decided that I would carry it around no matter what.

I pulled out my phone to call my father and set up the date for when I'll be there, but I noticed that I got a text from Malkia.

From Malkia: Someone is robbing your house!

My heart dropped. I worried that they were going to find my mother's valuable box that she had left for me. I immediately got up and ran out of Melody's house.

Me: I'm on my way.

"Andrew! Where are you going?!" I heard Melody's mother cry out.

I didn't respond. I just kept running. I eventually got to the house and Malkia was standing in front of it waiting for me. I looked to see the door to the house wide open.

"Did you call the police?" She nodded. "And are you sure that they're still in there?"

"Yeah. Unless you have a back door."

"Let's go."

"Go where?"



"There is something that I need to get."

"Are you insane? Those guys could be armed!"

"I'm willing to die."

She sighed, "Fine. I'm coming with you."


We braced ourselves then went in.

"Who would do something like this? Who would rob a dead person's home?" I heard Malkia say as we walked in.

It didn't look as if a robber had been in here. Nothing looked out of the ordinary.

"A human being in need of help," I responded.

I made my way to my mother's bedroom then walked over to her closet. I looked and was relieved to find the key. I then looked under the bed. It was gone...

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