Chapter 10: Insecurities

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Leslie's P-O-V

I brushed my hair gently in the mirror. I examined my face. The break outs. My body. My hips were so wide. I felt fat and ugh... I hated the way I looked. Then I just looked into my reflection in the mirror. I stared deeply into my eyes and looked past the color, the lashes, and found my soul. I was a wreck. Emotionally, I knew I was broken.

I was cracked when my father left my mom and ever since Christopher, I had been broken. Physically and emotionally, Christopher had broken me. The physical cuts healed, but I couldn't fix the emotional wounds. Roc was able to bandage it for a while, but whenever he isn't around me I get the pain again. Then what he said to me earlier about getting close to another girl had made me feel as if he just ripped the bandages off completely and didn't even bother to put it back. Then when it tries to heal, the words come back around and cut me again. I caught a glimpse of the tiny scar that was on my lip. Barely visible, but I knew it was there. A tear ran down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away.

"Get it together Leslie," I thought.

I quickly looked away from it, shaking my thoughts and pulling myself together. I got dressed and walked downstairs to have my mother check me out.

"Ma! How do I look?" I asked twirling.

"Beautiful as always," she replied walking over to me. "Roc is going to love you."

Beep, beep!

My mother and I both turned to face the door.

"Looks like he's here," my mom said smiling at me.

"I'll see you later. 11:30," I said kissing her cheek and walking out of the door.

I hopped into the van to see Roc... and Prodigy, Ray-Ray, and Princeton. My mood immediately worsened. Why is it that he brings them with him whenever we go on a date? It's sort of annoying.

"Hey Leslie," they all said in unison.

I smiled and greeted them. Roc gave me a quick peck that would usually be able to set me on fire, but tonight... right now, I wasn't aroused.

We drove in a thick and awkward silence.

Andrew's P-O-V

I dressed and walked next door to Malkia's house. I was scared. I didn't know what to say. I was still shocked that she even said yes to me. I knocked on the door.

"Hey Andrew!" Her mother greeted.

"Hello. Is Malkia ready?"


I heard a faint voice say, "Coming." Then I saw her. She was beautiful. She dressed to kill. Well, to kill me at least. She wore a pair of vans, tight-fitting jeans, and a sleeveless top that had Spike Lee (My favorite director) in the corner. Peeking out at me in a way.

"Ready to go?" she said releasing me from her spell.

"Oh. Yeah. Let's go," I said taking her hand.

She said goodbye to her mother and it was said that I had to bring her back by 11:30. We caught a cab and drove to the theater.


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