Chapter 3 - Life And Death

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A few days passed. Khun Samanun is getting used to her new company. Getting used to the warmth of Kornkamon. Sometimes she's amused by the clumsiness of the petite woman.

"Careful, it's hot you'll burn your t-" Khun Samanun didn't finished her sentence.

"Ouch! Hsss.. Ah, my tongue.." Kornkamon hissed in pain as she sips the steaming hot tea.

"I told you.", Khun Samanun laughed to herself.

She loves talking to Kornkamon even though she knows she can't actually hear her. It made her feel less lonely. Her many days with Kornkamon continues with her trying to converse everyday.

"Wake up! You'll be late! This is the third time already.", Khun Samanun tries to wake the sleeping beauty up.

"Oh sh- I'm late again! Did I forgot to set my alarm?!", Kornkamon jumps out of her bed stumbling to the floor as she was in a rush to the bathroom.

Rushing downstairs and to the front doors, Kornkamon picks up her things.

"Laptop, check. Phone, check. Breakfast, well.. no time for that. Why do I feel like I forgot something?", Kornkamon says to herself.

 Why do I feel like I forgot something?", Kornkamon says to herself

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"Your car keys.", said Khun Samanun who's relaxing on the couch turning the pages of her book while watching the woman move back and forth and eventually left the house.

The front doors opens again.

"Damn it! My car keys ughh..", Kornkamon once again rushed to get the keys.


Kornkamon has been working late these past few days. So she haven't been getting enough sleep to catch up with her new project that she's been been working on. She's a business woman herself. A young one.

She went to the kitchen to make some coffee so she boils some water on the stove

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She went to the kitchen to make some coffee so she boils some water on the stove. She continued working with her laptop at the kitchen island while sipping the aromatic, slightly bitter drink.

"This isn't working, I'm too tired my brain isn't functioning." she lets out a long yawn.

With that, she drift off to sleep shoving her laptop to the side, putting her head on her right arm.

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