Chapter 16 - Mistletoe (A Christmas Special)

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A/N: You can repeat the music again when it ends for more immersive reading!


"Bec, it's gonna be Christmas in two weeks. Are you excited? I know you love Christmas."

"Too excited!! Speaking of Christmas.."

"Do you have something to tell me?"

"I wonder if you wanted to spend Christmas night with me??"

"Oh.. I-"

"It's- it's okay if you don't want to! I mean I get it, we usually spend Christmas night with our family right? Hahaha that's a stupid question to ask you."

"I would love to."

"Y-you would??"

"Yes. I've been wanting to ask you the same question but you asked me first."

"Oh my god I'm so relieved! But aren't your family gonna be mad?"

"What? No, of course not. I'm spending my time with you on Christmas night, the next day on Christmas I'll spend with them. I already told them that. What about you? Aren't your family gonna be looking for you?"

"We're celebrating in Thailand this year, usually we'll go back to England. So I just asked them for one night away. To celebrate it with you."

"So we really ARE celebrating Christmas night together."

Freen said in disbelief.

"I hope it's not such a big deal. I mean.."

"Hey, hey.. Becky, it's not. I'm so happy to spend my Christmas night with you. If you're afraid it was such a big move, it's not. Don't worry. We're just going to decorate a Christmas tree, exchange gifts, drinks hot chocolate, watching some cozy Christmas movies.."

"That sounds.. really nice. I love it."

"And I love y- I mean, I love it too!"

Freen almost blurted out the three words.

"Have you been preparing a gift for me Freenky~"

Becky nudged Freen with her elbow and placed her chin on Freen's shoulder, clinging her arms with Freen's. Becky has been awfully clingy these days but Freen was really enjoying it.

"Maybe.. If you've been a good girl, there's probably something special for you."

"So there IS something for me. Hmm.. I wonder what it is. Is it something that I've been wanting for a long time??"


"Now I'm even more excited. Oh, should we celebrate here in my penthouse?? Yesterday I found a really nice tree and I immediately bought it. I think it fits here in the living room. We can decorate it in a few days when the tree arrives."

"I think it will look great here. Let's do it here in your place. We can look for the decorations later if you want?"

"Yes please! It's my first Christmas with you, I already know it's going to be my favourite Christmas ever."

"Have Santa ever told you that you're extremely cute when you get all excited about Christmas??"

"Hmm does Santa Sarocha counts??"

"Well.. if I'm the Santa.. I know for sure you wanted to sit on my lap."

Becky immediately smacked Freen's bare lap as she was wearing a shorts, leaving a soft red mark on her lap.

"Oww! That hurts! I'm kidding!

"Serves you right!"


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