Chapter 13 - Between A Rock And A Hard Place

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A few weeks goes by as the two souls keeps going on with their sexy rendezvous. It was keep as a secret, not wanting anyone to know as if it was wrong for it to be known. Sometimes the younger girl keep stealing a moment whenever they accidentally met each other in college.

"Freen.. Ohmygod.. D-Don't stop.. Ah-"

"Keep your voice down! We're in a library!"

Freen whispered next to Becky's ear at the hidden part of the library, with Becky leaning her back against the bookcase.

"Freen I'm cum-"

Freen cupped Becky's mouth making her muffled through Freen's palm. Becky was trying hard to balance herself as she grabbed the bookcase but accidentally grabbing a few books making them fell off the bookcase with a few thuds.

"What's going on back there??! This is a library! Please mind the noises!"

The librarian yelled.

Or sometimes after a soccer practice, in the locker room.

Becky 🧚🏻: Meet me in the locker room in 10 minutes.

Freen 🐰: What's the rush??

She didn't received anymore reply so she didn't have any other choice but to comply.


Freen pushed the door to the locker room, looking for the fair skinned girl. After a few moments, wandering in the locker room, a figure suddenly pulled her out of nowhere and pinned her to one of the locker.

"Shit! You startled me Bec!"

"I did? I'm sorry sexy.."

Her eyes has always been on Freen's luscious lips, aiming to devour them.

"Are you sure.. ahh.. this is.. a good.. idea..?? Someone's.. going to.. walk in on us.. Fuck.."

"We're just.. making.. out. Nothing too serious. We'll stop when.. we hear the doors open."

Becky keeps on kissing and sucking hard on Freen's pulse point.

"Sh- Bec! Not too hard! You're gonna leave a mark!"

"But you.. taste.. so fucking good. We'll cover them.. with makeups later."

She keeps on peppering hard kisses all over Freen. Bright red spots already visible through Freen's neck.


The door to the locker room suddenly opened and a few girls came in.

"Shit! Freen come here!"

They stopped their making out session as Becky pulled the older girl into one of the shower room and lock the door.

"I thought you said we'll stop when the doors opened."

"It's too late, I'm so turned on right now. Might as well continue this now that we're in a locked room. Plus, I already marked you all over. It'll be hard for you to walk away with all those marks."

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