Chapter 35 - Her First Snow

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A/N: Hye~ I'm back~ usually I upload the chapter at night but I'll do it earlier today because.. You'll know it at the end of the chapter hehe Enjoy~


"Ughh.. baby, did you turned off the heater?? It's freezing.."

Freen asked while her whole naked body suddenly feels cold to the bone. Still tangled in the sheets with her lover in the early morning.

"Nghh.. Freen.. it's too early.. *yawns* What is it baby..?"

Becky replied lazily with her eyes closed and her back to Freen's chest.

"It's too cold! I thought you turned off- OH. MY. GOD. Becky!!"

"What the fuck Freen?? You startled me! What happened??"

She turned around to look at Freen and saw the other girl gasping while looking outside their windows.

"Baby.. It's snowing!! Oh my God! Wake up! Wake up! It's so pretty!"

"Huh?? Freen, wait! Where are you going??"

Freen left the bed, running away to their closet looking for something to wear. In a while, she peeked her head from the door to talk to Becky who's still in the bed, confused.

"Bec~ Come on! Wear something thick! We're going to the rooftop!!"

"What?! But it's still too early! It's freezing~"

"Why do you think I asked you to wear something thick??"

She peeked her head again.

Becky took a while to process but she comes to her senses that this is Freen's very first snow. It makes sense that she's so excited about it.

"Okay~ Okay~ Find me something to wear will you?"

She finally gets off the bed.


"Baby~ Look at these! Oh my God.."

They were on the rooftop with their winter clothes. Freen was like a little kid experiencing her first snow. Becky swears she saw tears in Freen's eyes.

Freen reached her hand out and open her palm for the snow to fall into it. She lifted her head to the sky and stick her tongue out, feeling the snow melted on her tongue. From the look of how thick the snow is on the rooftop, it must've snowing heavily last night.

"You look so excited baby. I love seeing you like this. If this is the face that I get to see, damn I wouldn't mind getting cold in the snow for you hahaha."

"Do you remember your first snow Becky?"

"Hmm.. I was very young back then. I still lived in England. Maybe when I was around 3 or 4 years old?"

"Are you as excited as I am at that time??"

"Honestly, I barely remember probably because I was too young. But my parents took photos of my first snow and I do look as excited as you are. But not as cute as you are right now hehe."

"Oh, come on! I know how cute you are as a kid, how can I compete over that??"

"You're right, I'm still the cutest. I may not remember as much, but you know there's one thing that I always remember from my childhood during snowy days."

"What was it?"

"Daddy taught me and my brother to do this when we were kids. Come, I'll show you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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