Chapter 12 - Home

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A/N: Hi~ I'm feeling a bit better now so I continued my writing. Thank you for giving me some time and being patient. I appreciate it so much.

Just want to let you know that I won't tolerate any hate and negative comments about the girls. If you throw them at the girls, you aren't welcome here, I really mean it.

And to those who stays for the girls, thank you with all my heart. We're gonna stay for them for a very long time 🤍


A few days went by. They were watching the tv together while Sam was laying down on the couch and resting her head on Mon's lap. Sam tried to ignore it but it's really bothering her.

She lifted her head from Mon's lap and sit next to her. 

"Enough pretending Mon. There's something on your mind I can feel it. What is it baby? You can't keep it to yourself forever."

"Huh?? That was out of nowhere."

She replied in confusion.

"You're not you baby, there must be something going on. You can tell me anything you know? Aren't we supposed to share everything with each other?"

"Oh yeah? Says the one who keeps something from me."

"What does that even mean??"


"You can't say it's nothing now that I know there IS something!"

"Don't raise your voice on me Sam."

Mon stands up and leave Sam hanging.

"Where are you going??"

"None of your business."

"What is wrong with you?? You're my girlfriend and we live together of course it's my business!"

"Fine! I'm going out! There? You happy?? What else do you want to know huh?? Oh, and don't wait up for me!"

Mon hurriedly took her car keys and her purse.

"You can't just leave me like this!"

"I can, and I will! You know why?? Because I'm not a ghost! I'm not the one who trapped in here!"

The air was sucked out of the room as the deafening silence fills the mansion. The only thing can be heard was the echo of Mon's words.

"Mon.. That was harsh."


Mon left without finishing her words. The sounds of her car engine roars loudly as she pumps on the gas. She wipes her tears that started to fall down with her palm and drove out of the mansion without turning her head back.

Sam stood still and froze.


The sound of her pink Porsche once again echoes the mansion. The headlights illuminate the dark pathway to the mansion. She turns off her engine and headlights and took some time sitting in her car to check her phone before going into the mansion. It was already late at night when she finally came home.

- You have 31 missed called and 4 voicemails from Sam 🤍 -

Mon sighed as she cleared her notifications and listen to the voicemails.


"Baby, where are you? Please come home. I promise we'll talk. Just.. Please, just come home to me."

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