Story Breakdown (BTS, Fun Facts Etc.)

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A/N: This contains major spoilers from the story. Only read this if you've finished reading the whole story.

This is a breakdown of the story. It's a journey / behind the scenes / fun facts and probably some answers that you might be looking while reading the story.


- The title "The Ghost of You" is from Sam's POV. Despite being a ghost herself, it seems like she is haunted by her lover from the past reincarnated in the present as Mon. It also from the title of one of my favourite song (and my first love fav song 🥺) by 5SOS.

- In Chapter 1, when Mon stepped into the mansion and she felt something, it was a hint that she was there before in her past life. And when she looked at the window from outside, that's where Sam is standing and looking at her and they locked eyes but Mon can't see her yet.

- Mon will feel the coldness around Sam because Sam is dead, while Sam will feel warm when Mon is near because she's a living person. In a way, they were connected to each other presence.

- And YES! Mon is the reincarnation of Sam's past lover, her fiancée that died. That explains her resemblance and familiarity with Sam's fiancée.

- Mon death was necessary because her purpose was to help Sam moved on to the afterlife. And the only way was for her to die.

- They will always find each other no matter how many times. They were meant for each other. However, for them to really be together requires the "right" partner. Example, Sam partner is Mon and Freen partner is Becky. That's why Sam and her unnamed fiancée never got to be together, it's the right person but it's not the right pair. While Sam and Mon were meant to be together, something else prevent that to happen which is, one is a living person and the other is the dead. Live and death can't be together. This is why Sam's fiancée who's reincarnated as Mon purpose was to help Sam moved on for them to be reincarnated as the "right" pair, Freen and Becky.

 This is why Sam's fiancée who's reincarnated as Mon purpose was to help Sam moved on for them to be reincarnated as the "right" pair, Freen and Becky

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- I actually didn't know what to name Sam's fiancée 🤣🤣🤣 So I made the name smudged so that it can't be read and Sam never mentioned her name too. It just added a bit of mystery doesn't it? 😂 It crossed my mind to name her Sarah and the right pair for Sarah will be Tulip right? 😂 But I never name her to keep the element of mystery hehe

- It has always been Mon's goal to help Sam move on as she said in Chapter 5. It's just that she didn't know it requires her death for it to happen.

- The reason why Sam is stuck because she never got to say goodbye to her fiancée. Other than her regrets not being with her fiancée at that time, there's no closure for her like what happened with her and Mon in Chapter 14 and 15. She never know what her fiancée is going to tell her and she was left hanging. This is why Mon asked Sam to promise her and also the purpose of her letter to Sam just in case she never met Sam when something happens to her.

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