Chapter 14 - P. S. I Love You

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A/N: Y'all better prepare some tissues or something.


Sam waited worriedly for the love of her life to come home. She hugged her knees to her chest on the couch of her living room. There's uneasy feeling in her heart no matter how much she tried to ignore it. She decided to give a call to Mon. She speed dial her phone and waited for it to connect.

*Calling My Love 💕*

"Hey baby. What is it?"

Mon answered the call immediately putting it on speaker.

"Hey.. When are you coming back?"

"I'm almost home. Less than 5 minutes."

"Really? I miss you already."

"Patience sweetheart, I'm already at the entrance."

Sam can hear the familiar sound of the car engine at the entrance of their mansion and let out a relief sigh.

"You're h-"


The loud sound coming from her phone speaker and the entrance of their mansion at the same time stopped Sam from completing her sentences as she's frozen in fear.


She panicked as she opened the front door and immediately ran outside to the sound of the loud crash. Her heart dropped when she saw what's in front of her.


"Patience sweetheart, I'm already at the entrance."


The car came out of nowhere swaying left and right in the dark with a full speed and no headlights. It hits the side of the driver's seat, crashing Mon with it. It was fast, but it seems like she's stuck in a slow motion, her life flashed before her eyes. And she saw something else, like memories but not from the present time. It felt familiar, but at the same time it's like she's a stranger to those memories because she never experience those before.

In those memories she saw Sam, and someone who looks exactly like her, but with a long beautiful silky hair running and playing in the garden but the roses weren't fully bloom, only some of them were. And when they're in the middle of the garden, Sam gets on one knee and took out a diamond ring.

The memory stopped there and another one came flashing. This time, it was different, it looks like in a different setting just a bit here and there. But what she saw clearly was still Sam laughing happily, with a ring on her finger, and a dog in her arms.

The impact was so hard that Mon stopped moving, struggling to keep her eyes open as she bleeds through her head. Glasses from the car window scattered in pieces and scratched through her soft skin.



She ran as fast as she can to the entrance with tears in her eyes. But no matter how fast she run, how much she wants, she's still stuck at the border between the mansion and the outside world, separating her and the lifeless body of her soulmate. She screams.. And screams.. Pounding her arms on the invincible border trying to get out.


After a while, Mon scrunched her forehead in pain, moving just a little and very slowly as her blood are starting to drained.

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