Chapter 20 - Nightmares

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- Flashbacks -

"Sam.. Sam.."

"Mon? Where are you?? Stay there, I'll find you."


"W-wait! Don't go! I'm losing you. Baby, where are you??"

Sam's fingers grazed the rock hard tall wall trying to follow the voice calling her name. She was confused. Confused as to why she was there in the first place. Trying hard to find a way out but no matter how far she walked, no matter how long she heard her name was called, she never finds a way out and the voice calling her name was always drifted off further.

She was in a labyrinth

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She was in a labyrinth. Trapped. Dark. Cold. Alone. She leaned on the cold rough wall, crying until her knees were weak and fell down hugging herself on the ground. Until she heard the voice of an angel calling her name again.

"Sam?? Sam?? Baby, wake up!"


Sam finally was awake from her own nightmare. Her cheeks were sticky from the dried tears, sweats dripping from her forehead to her neck even in the air conditioned room.


"Yes, it's me. Are you alright sweetheart?? Did you had a nightmare again??"

"Mon.. I'm scared.."

"I'm here, Sam. Shh.. you're alright. Was it the same dream again?"

Sam nodded while in Mon's warm embrace.

"It's.. it's always the same every time. I never find a way out. It scares me when I lose your voice. I was trapped. Every single time."

"I'll get you some water. I'll be back okay?"

Mon shifted her body to get out of the bed but Sam gripped her arm tightly.

"D-don't.. please.. don't leave me. I want you here, please."

"O-okay.. I'm not going anywhere. Come here, baby."

Mon pulled Sam into her embrace again and never let go until morning.

- End of Flashbacks -


"It's been a while since we're going in a car ride like this. I miss this."

"Sorry kaa Becbec~ I was too busy with the final year project. I know how much you love to be my passenger princess."

"Nope, I just love to be your princess hehe."

"Oh really?? But this princess seems to be a bit naughty huh?"

Freen reacted when she realised Becky's hand was on her inner thigh and slowly rubbing it with her thumb.

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