Chapter 17 - Butterflies And Fireworks (A New Year Special)

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The Next Morning

"*yawn* Freen??"

Becky stretched her body out in the bed still sleepy, looking for Freen as she look on her side but Freen wasn't there.

"Hey.. did I wake you up?"

"Yeah.. what time is it? I thought it's still early."

Becky asked when she saw Freen's getting ready.

"It's 7AM. I had to be there early. I don't want them to wait for me."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You're in a deep sleep, I don't want to disturb you so early."

"I guess we won't be seeing each other tonight?"

"Yeah, you'll be with your family too right?"

Becky nodded.

"We'll text each other. No worries."

Freen continued as she was walking back and forth throughout the bedroom, getting ready.

"Bonbon still sleeping?"

Becky asked for her puppy

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Becky asked for her puppy.

"Yeah, I think he really loves it here. He's so cute! I gotta go Becbec. See you tomorrow!"

Freen walked closer to the bed and climbed halfway to kiss Becky on the forehead while Becky was still in her silk pyjamas.


Becky stopped Freen's movements when she's almost out of the bedroom.

"Yes? Do you need something before I go?"

"I- .. nothing. Just send my regards to your family."

Afraid to say what's really on her heart, Becky decided to keep it to herself.

"I love.. you."

Becky lets out a deep sigh.

A few minutes later, Becky heard a soft bark. Bonbon running into the bedroom.

"Good morning baby~ Merry Christmas!"

Bonbon tried to climb the bed with his short legs.

"Hahaha you're still so small, let me help you."

Becky picked him up and Bonbon started to licked her face.

"Did daddy wakes you up too? She can be a little bit loud when she's in a rush. You'll get used to it."

She said while scratching behind his ears.

"Let's get ready to meet the rest of your new family for Christmas. And after that.. mommy has something very important to think about."


Freen 🐰: How's Bonbon?

Becky 🧚🏻: I think he loves everyone haha he seems so happy here. If he has a long tail, he'd be wagging it all the time.

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