Chapter 10 - I Wasn't Yours To Begin With

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"Fuck! Where did she go?"

*Calling Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️*

The person you are calling is not answering -

Freen 🐰: Becky, where are you? Please answer my call.
Freen 🐰: Becky, I'm sorry. Let's talk please.

Freen tried calling Becky on the phone again but it's still the same. She didn't answered. Freen was looking for her everywhere until she saw a figure sitting alone on the bench, sobbing. She keeps her phone in her pocket and went close to the figure.

"Becky.. hey.."

"Freen please.. leave me. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

She keeps on sobbing, palming her face into her hands. Freen sit next to her.

"I'm not leaving you like this Bec. Did I do something wrong?? Apart from I tried to kiss you?? Did I get the wrong idea Bec? I really thought you wanted the same thing as me. Where did I go wrong Becky??"

"You did nothing wrong Freen! Everything you did was right. You're right, I wanted the same thing as you! I wanted to kiss you too Freen, I really do!"

"Then why didn't you?!"

"Because I can't!"

"If you want, you will Becky, so why didn't you??"

"Stop it Freen."

Becky started to sob harder, trying very hard to hold her tears that keeps falling.

"Why Bec??"



That was a shot straight to Freen's heart.

"You- how could you? You lead me on Becky."

"I know and I'm sorry. Please don't hate me. I can't live with you hating me."

"Hate you?? For God sake Becky! I'm in love with you! How can I hate you?? The only person I hate right now is myself. I hate myself for being such a fool!"

Freen is breathing rapidly that her chest moves up and down fast.

"Please don't say that. I like you Freen, I really do. I wish that I met you sooner. Things would have been different then."

As much as it hurts knowing the truth, it hurts even more seeing the girl of her dreams cried next to her.

"Why didn't you tell me Bec??"

"I'm afraid that I'll hurt you."

"God.. Rebecca, you'll hurt me either way. And you thought keeping this from me would hurt me less??"

"I know Freen, I know! By the time I realised that, it was too late."

"Who is it?"


"The one who got your heart."

"She's.. she's my first love. From high school. We're officially together for 2 years now. She's in England, we're in a long distance relationship."

Freen is holding back her tears hearing this newfound information. Seeing that Freen is in silence, Becky continues.

"I didn't mean to lead you on Freen. I thought it was just innocent flirting between two friends. But my feelings for you is genuine. You're making me feel things that I shouldn't be feelings with you. It's just that I can't pursue that feelings for you. And I'm sorry for that."

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