Chapter 4 - The Theory Of Colours

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A/N: Hello~ I'm very sorry for the late update. I've been busy with work and tired. So I'm taking my time when writing 🥺 I hope you have enough patient for me okay~ 🥺


Freen's POV

You know how every colour has its own meaning? Like how red always associated with romance, love, passion and lust. Black and white as yin and yang which completes each other. How orange and yellow radiates warmth, and happiness. How blue, the colour of the skies and seas always soothing, and also represents loyalty and trust.
Or green with envy, but also brings luck.

There are so many colours with different meaning. Sometimes, a person can be seen as those colours too. It's normal for someone to be described with two or more colours. But with Becky.. She's a rainbow. Lots of people thought that rainbows only have seven colours. But the truth is, it contains around a thousand of colours in different shades. That's Becky. When I see her it's like.. I'm seeing the whole world in full colours. She's making me feel everything that is possible to feel.

And I think...

I might have been feeling something for her.


It's been almost a week since Becky's injury. It seems like Becky had a fast recovery as she can walk normally now. But what hasn't recover yet is.. the relationship between the two soul.
Becky is still upset with the older girl. Honestly, there's no apparent reason for her to be that upset with Freen. Unless.. there's something going on in her mind about the girl. They didn't really talk much and it worries Freen the most.

The clear blue sky turns gloomy with a hint of thunder rumbling, only waiting for the clouds to turn heavy enough to pour droplets of water. Freen rushed into her car and went out of her parking spot from the student car park and continue driving until she saw a very familiar figure, the one that she's been dying to meet, walking at the side of the road.

She slowed down her car and rolled her window down.


Becky stopped and turned when she saw the familiar car and the voice calling her name.

"It's going to rain. Come in, I'll drop you off."

Freen motioning for Becky to enter her car.

"No need. Still have time to walk before raining."

Becky rejected the offer and continues to walk, leaving Freen.

"Is she seriously still upset with me??"

Freen thought to herself.

She press on the pedal very slowly matching Becky's walking pace, not stopping her car.

"Hey.. Are you still mad at me? I'm sorry Becbec~"

Being determined to still ignoring Freen, Becky continues walking without responding to her.

"What the.."

Freen almost cursed.

"Becky~ How long are you going to ignore me?? Fine.. You can ignore me but please, get inside or you're gonna get soaked and get sick."

She continues, not stopping her car. But still, Becky continues to walk.

"Seriously??? Why is this girl so stubborn?? *sighed*"

The thought played in her mind as she finally stopped her car and park it on the road side. The gap between her and Becky grows bigger as Becky keeps on walking away. The sky beginning to play the sound of thunder dramatically hinting the rain will start pouring soon.

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