Chapter 32 - Golden Hour

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"Good morning sweetheart. Wake up~ I need my kisses!"


Freen was groaning, suddenly woken up by Becky. The smells of food in their room is making her opened her brown eyes.

"Finally~ It's so hard to wake you up sometimes."

"Bec? I smell food??"

"You asked me to make you breakfast and I did. Tada!!"

A footed tray was placed on the bed with some varieties of breakfast choices.

"Y-you really made all these??"

Freen reached her hand to one of the sandwiches.

"Nuh uh!"


"Oww! Babe~ What the fuck.."

"You owe me my morning kiss! Also, you should wash your face and brush your teeth first before eating."

"Oh.. right. Your kisses hehe.. Come here. Mwaahh!! Mwah! Mwah!"

Freen pulled on Becky's face, pressing her cheeks with both her palms and showered her with kisses.

"*Giggles* Okay, okay.. that's enough hahahah."

"These are a lot, Becky. They look so good too!"

On the tray it was what Freen requested last night, with a few others that Becky tried her best to make.

"I know you said just make you some simple breakfast but I want you to eat a lot so I tried making some fruit salad, grilled cheese and some scrambled eggs. Also I got you some milk and orange juice. I hope you like it. We'll eat these together in bed okay?"

"Baby~ you did great. They look delicious, I can't wait to try them."

"Careful, it may look delicious but probably won't taste as good as it looks."

"Let me wash my face first, and I'll be the judge to that."

After a few minutes in the bathroom, Freen came back to bed to enjoy their breakfast in bed.

"Promise me you won't make fun of me if it's not good."

"I won't make fun of you baby.. It's good that you're trying very hard. I'm proud of you okay? Now can I have some eggs please, teerak?"


Becky took some of the silky scrambled eggs and feed them to Freen. But before she could do so, Freen stopped her hand.

"Bec.. your finger.. Did you hurt yourself?? Are you alright??"

"I'm fine.. I cut my finger when cutting the fruits. Just a little. Don't worry naa~"

"Are you sure??"

"Hmm.. maybe if you kiss it, it'll be better hehe."

"Mwahh.. There.."

"Thank you baby~ Here, try this."

Her heart beats a little fast as she waits for a response.

"Emm~ it's so soft and creamy! You did great Bec! It's delicious."

"R-really?? H-how about this one??"

She cut a bit of the grilled cheese and feed it to Freen.

"Emm~ Dis iss shoo goodd!"

Freen replied with the food still in her mouth.

"T-this one??"

Becky shoved a sandwich into Freen's mouth who's still busy swallowing the grilled cheese.

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