Chapter 16 - Past, Present, Future (Epilogue)

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A/N: This is it.. This is..


9 Months Later Somewhere in Thailand

"Ma'am, just focus on my voice and you'll be fine, okay? Take a very deep breath, and push when I ask you to."

The woman nodded and tried her best to breathe calmly following the doctor's order.

"You're ready now ma'am, now push!!"


The woman gripped the sheets tightly while maintaining her breathing.

"Just a little bit more, you can do this! Just take another deep breath and keep pushing!"

"Fuhhhh fuhhhh nngggggghhhhh!!"

"I can see the head already! One last push ma'am!"


"She's here! Look, a very healthy and beautiful baby girl!"

The sounds of a baby crying fills the room.

"She's mine? She's so beautiful.."

Tears pooling in the woman's eyes seeing her beautiful newborn girl.

"She's all yours ma'am. Have you think of a name?"

"Yes.. Her name is, Sarocha."


4 Years Later Somewhere in Thailand

A woman is holding her baby with his husband by her side on the hospital bed. A 2 years old boy which happened to be their son came running to them.

"Hey there.. You're a big brother now. This is your little sister. Come and say hi to her."

His father pick him up and put him on the bed.

"Hewwo wittle sister. This is your big bwother."

The little boy said with his kid voice.

"Her name is Rebecca. You need to play, take care and protect her from now on. You can do that right??"

His mom said with a soft voice.

The little boy nodded.

"We- Webecca??"

"Hahaha no silly boy~ Rebecca. When you grow up a bit, you'll say it right. But for now, you can call her Becky."

His father pinched his nose playfully and the little boy lets out a laugh. "


The boy said his little sister name cutely while holding her small fingers. His baby sister cooed with the touch.


20 Years Later

"Shit!! I'm so late! This is not how I want my first day to be like! Where the hell is that hall?? Why is this place so big?!"

The short haired girl walks hurriedly as she struggles with the books in her arms on her first day of college. She was too busy adjusting her books that almost fall to noticed the figure coming close in front of her.


"Ahh shit!"

The long haired girl rubbed her head to ease up the pain of bumping to another head. She also didn't noticed the figure coming close to her as she was playing with her phone.

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