Chapter 22 - Kiss Me, Heal Me

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"You do remember tomorrow is my soccer match right??"

"Of course."


"Sooo what??"

Freen asked the question again looking at Becky confusedly as she stopped typing on her laptop. Her laptop was on her lap with her legs stretched on the bed while she was leaning against the headboard. She was busy with her final assignment these few days.

 She was busy with her final assignment these few days

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"So... are you going or not??"

Becky said with a little bit of annoyance in her tone seeing Freen didn't give her the attention she needed.

"Of course I'm going. I never missed your soccer matches right?"

Becky raised her eyebrows making Freen think again.

"Right... that one time. Sorry. But that was the first and last that I missed."

She answered and back to typing rapidly on her keyboard again.

"Babe~ why are you so busy??"

Becky flopped on her stomach on the bed craving attention from the older girl.

"I'm sorry Becbec, I need to complete a chapter of my assignment or else it'll be hard for me to catch up. The whole assignment is almost finish. Just a few chapters left before the due date. I'm trying to finish as much as I can so that I won't rush at the very last minute."

"I understand that.. but at least look at me when you're talking with me okay..? I feel like you're ignoring me."

Becky said softly, almost disappointed with the lack of attention given.

"Ohh.. I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean it like that."

Becky sits up and place her chin on Freen's shoulder, with both her arms linked to Freen's.

"Let me see what were you doing."

Becky reads a few paragraphs of the assignment. Mostly she didn't understand what was the assignment about, but based on what she reads, it was good. Really good. Like Freen probably will passed with flying colours and get an A+ on her final year project.

"Damn, you're really good Sarocha. I didn't even know what was this about but I for sure know it's good."

"Right.. you're just flattering me now."

"What? Nooo I mean, come on Freen read it for yourself again. You know this is good."

"I've read it too many times and I have to admit, it's quite.. good. Hahaha I've never been this confident with my work before."

"You should be. I guess the rumour is true."

"Huh? What rumour?"

"That you're a beauty with brains."

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