Chapter 28 - The Heart Wants What It Wants 🔞

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This chapter contains mature content. If you're not comfortable, feel free to skip the part. I'll put a warning sign before and after.


"Are you ready Becbec??"

"I am. Are you??"


"That doesn't sound convincing at all."

"I mean, yes. Definitely yes."

"Hey.. I promise everything will be okay. We got this. I know you're a bit worried but I can assure you that we'll be fine, nothing will change. Okay?"

Becky grasped Freen's hand and squeezed for assurance.

"Okay. We'll be okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

"1.. 2.. 3.. *clicked*"

They both counted and clicked on their own laptops at the same time. Becky was reverting her answer back to the Law school and Freen was submitting her final thesis to her professor.

"We did it baby."

"Yeah, we did. I'm proud of you Becbec."

"And I'm proud of you too Freen."

And they shared a kiss. A sweet one.

"I called for a celebration!"

Becky suddenly came with an idea.

"Huh? You want to celebrate?"

"Why not? Let's go shopping! And then we'll get ice cream too! Come on~"

"You know what?? Let's go!"

They both stands up pulling each other and giggling. They took some time to get ready and in a moment, Freen was driving them both to the shopping mall.


"Freen, baby? Let's go there."

"Huh.. but that's a jewellery store. The kind that people buy wedding rings and everything."

"Yes.. and??"

"Okay.. sure.. let's go."

Both of them walked hand in hand to the store and were greeted by the salesperson.

"Welcome, how may I help you?"

"We're looking for rings."

Becky answered.

"Wait, we do??"

Freen asked confusingly.

"What a beautiful couple! What kind are you looking for? Wedding rings?"

"W-wedding rings??!"

Freen panicked.

"Relax, babe.. Not wedding rings. Just a promise rings. I figured I should let everyone know that you're mine and mine only while I was away. Same goes to me."

"Why didn't you say so earlier??"

"It's fun to see you freaking out hahahaha"

"We've got a few selection that will suits you. Take your time to choose whichever you like."

"Is this necessary Bec? I mean.. they're quite.. expensive."

"Of course it's necessary. Now, whenever someone flirts with you just show them the ring and say that you're married with one kid."

"Hahahaha Becky~ I guess that one kid is Bonbon?"

"Who else?? Pick whichever you like Freen."

"Are you sure Bec?"

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