Chapter 27 - Kiss And Make Up

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A Few Days Later

Freen returned home to their penthouse after ten days away from it.

"*sigh* I hope everything goes well."

She opened the door and immediately Bonbon came running and barking.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!"

"Hey, boy! You seem excited to see me."

She rubbed behind Bonbon's ears but Bonbon keeps barking and spin around his body and turns away from Freen. He came back again and pulled on the bottom of Freen's pants with his teeth and keeps on barking.

"Uhm.. okay, I don't think that's because you're excited to see me. Is something wrong??"

"Arf!! Arf!"

"Okay, okay.. you want to show me something don't you??"


He ran upstairs and to the bedroom. Freen followed him with curiosity. Once she's inside the bedroom, she saw Becky on the bed, sleeping. Bonbon keeps barking motioning for Freen to come and check on Becky.

"Is something wrong with mommy, Bon? Is she sick??"

Freen move forward to the bed and sit halfway on the bed, next to Becky. Even with the barking, she's still asleep.

"Becky, honey. I'm home. Are you okay??"

Becky looks pale so Freen put the back of her hand on Becky's neck to check on her temperature.

"Shit. Your temperature is too high."


Becky groaned weakly in her sleep, unaware of the company.

Freen immediately went to the kitchen to get some cold water and a clean cloth to cool Becky down. She turned the air conditioner off for some warmth. She unbuttoned Becky's button down shirt completely only to realise it was actually her own shirt that Becky is wearing. She then squeezed the excess water from the cloth and wipe Becky's body with the cold cloth. Becky remained limp on the bed without much energy.

"Hey baby.. wake up, I'm home. Sorry for leaving you so long. This must be my fault you're sick. I tend to forget how you always get sick when I'm away for too long."

She puts a cool fever on Becky's forehead and changed her into a sweatshirt. She pulls on the thick blanket and gets under it together with Becky to keep her warm. Making her sweats is the fastest way to cool down her body temperature.


"Nghh.. Shit, my head hurts so bad. Huh..?"

Becky is now awake but genuinely confused when she touched her forehead and feels the cool fever that wasn't there before. She takes a look on her clothes and saw it was changed too. Her memories from before were blurry as she didn't know if she was hallucinating or something.

She went out of the bedroom to get some water in the kitchen and went downstairs carefully as her body is still weak. Once she was downstairs, she can't believe her eyes and there she saw..


"Careful! Wait, I'll help you!"

Freen immediately ran to Becky to support her as she was wobbly while walking.

"You shouldn't get out of the bed yet."

Freen continued. Becky was lost for words as she only stared in disbelief her girlfriend has finally come back home.

"F-Freen.. *sobs* I- I miss you *sobs*"

Becky started crying and Freen was panicking.

"W-wait, don't cry! Baby, no.. I'm here.. shh.. I made some porridge for you. We'll eat together okay?? I'll feed you."

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