Chapter 30 - Love Is In The Air

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A/N: Before you read, I just want to say thank you for all your kind words before 🥹 They were REALLY REALLY cute 🥹 I mean it. Don't worry, I feel better now. Writing this story is one of my comfort zone now. I started writing just to pass the time and as a distraction but turns out it's a part of my happy place now.

Sorry for the long wait! Enjoy~


"Your favourite blanket?"


"The pink Care Bear that I won for you?"


"Bonbon's favourite toys??"

"Wait, uhmm.. Here! Checked!"

"A few of my shirts and pyjamas??"

"Double checked."

"Your girlfriend??"

"Check- I'm not packing you in my suitcase!"

"Hahahahaha I'm kidding~"

"I'm gonna miss your stupid jokes *giggles*"

"Hahaha why?? I can still make stupid jokes even when you're away."

"It's not the same as when I hear it in front of you."

Freen stared at Becky lovingly for a while.

"Freen? Is there something on my face??"

They were sitting on the floor of their bedroom, packing Becky's suitcase. Freen didn't answer her, instead she leans in and grab Becky's face and kiss her gently. Becky was caught off guard, but close her eyes leaning back into the sweet kiss.

"I'm gonna miss kissing you, Becky."

She said when she broke the kiss.

"You can always call me. Or video call. I don't mind, we're only six hours apart. Time zones wouldn't be that much of a problem."

"I can't kiss you on video call Bec~"

"Hahahaha of course you can't! But hey, it's only for a year okay?"

"If you say so.."

"For now, let's just make the most of our time together okay??"

Freen didn't answer her again, but she plunged forward hugging Becky tightly on her waist.

"F-Freen! Hey.. you're making it harder for me to leave baby.."

She stroked Freen's silky hair softly.

"I'm sorry.. but there's only a few days left until New Year and then you'll be gone. I'm not ready.."

"My girlfriend is one of the strongest person I've ever met. Remember what I told you?"

"We may be further apart but we're very close at each other's hearts."

"Exactly. Now, stop crying. You look like a baby."

"I'm not crying.."

"Oh, really? Then what's with the teary eyes??"

"Fine.. you don't have to expose me like that.."

"You know Freen.. I thought I will be the one who acted like that hahaha but turns out, it's always you. You have always been the baby in our relationship hahaha."

"Oh, shut up.. you should've seen yourself clinging to me. Then we'll decide who's the baby."

"Arf! Arf!"

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