Chapter 7 - Dear Diary

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Becky's POV

Dear Diary,

I have been writing about her for quite some time. Ever since we first met. If I counted right, that would've been almost four months I guess? Four months since we first met and every day there's just something about her. Her familiarity with me.. I wonder if we ever crossed path in our passed life. Whatever it is, I feel safe with her. Like I'm.. I'm home. I know how rare it is to find home in someone. But Freen.. She's everything. From a home to a comfort person, she had it all.

I know that she has feelings for me. I've always had my suspicions on her but now, I'm certain about her feelings. That night.. She didn't know this but I was awake the whole time when she confessed her love for me.

- Flashbacks -

Becky's POV


She murmured into Freen's ear still deep into her slumber.

"You're talking in you sleep Becbec."

She carried her slowly on her back on the way to her car.

"You know Becky, I have something to tell you but you probably won't hear this. I.. I really like you. Like a lot... "

Fuck. Did I hear that right??

"... I keep liking you more and eventually.. it turns to.. Love."

I might be sleepy right now but did she just confessed her love for me?? Fuck, she didn't know I was already awake maybe I should just pretend to be asleep. She'll be embarrassed if she knows I was listening.

I heard you loud and clear Freen. I wish I could also tell you what I feel like what you did. The thing is, it's not that easy right? If it was, you'll be confessing your feelings right to my face when I'm awake.

"... I didn't even dare to ask if you're available to date because I'm afraid to know if you already have someone or maybe.."

Freen.. I- I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I should've just been honest with you. But I like you too much that I'm afraid that it will ruin everything that we have. I'm scared if you won't look at me the same way as you did now.

I keep listening to her confession while on her piggyback. Eventually I fell asleep again when I was in her car as she was driving. The moment I opened my eyes again, the car has already stopped and parked in front of my house. I could swear that I caught her staring at my lips because I can feel her eyes penetrating hard. I had to play stupid asking her how did I get here just to continue my act.

- End of Flashbacks -

Freen like always, she surprised me. Everything that she did, especially for me, it was.. Selfless. She didn't care about anything else as long as I'm happy. I mean.. I get her, it was an act of love. She is in love me. Fuck. She's in love with me. I don't want to break her heart. I can't. She deserves someone better than me. Someone who's true to her own feelings. Someone's honest. And I'm not that person.

But no matter what happened, I found myself getting pulled back to her. Like we were magnets. Opposite sides of different poles that attracts. Like there's a string that's being tied down to our fingers and I can't escape her. I'm trapped.

- Ends of diary entry -


Freen's POV

Freen's POV

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