Chapter 9 - Photograph

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The front door creaked open when Mon pushed it from the outside.

The ghost immediately stand up from sitting on the couch hearing the person she's been waiting for since the morning came home.

"Where did you go? You left home early today. I woke up and you weren't next to me. It was your day off. You shouldn't left without letting me know. I was so worried. You always let me know when you're leaving."

Sam was talking non stop expressing her concern.

"Hey hey hey calm down Sam.. I'm home now. I had some errands to do. You were sleeping like a baby. I don't have the heart to wake you up."

Mon can see the brunette is now sulking, crossing her arms on her chest with a cute angry pout.

"I'm sorry khaa.."

Mon held Sam's chin softly and slowly turned her face towards her. Sam was facing Mon but she tried hard averting her eyes from the human.

"Hmm you're still mad. What to do? Will a kiss from me cool you down a bit?"

Mon purposely teased with a cute voice. Sam's face lights up a bit hearing the word "kiss" and she slowly drifted her eyes back to the person in front of her.


Mon gave a playful peck on Sam's pouty lips. It doesn't seem to change Sam's facial expression.

"Hmm.. Not enough?"

Sam stay still with a stern look.

"Mwahh mwah mwahh mmwahhh!"

Mon then playfully shower Sam with kisses across her face leaving a few lipstick stains on Sam's cheeks and forehead.

"Hahahah enough! Enough! You're gonna left your lipstick on my face!"

"I already did hahaha. You're done sulking?" Mon wiped her lipstick from Sam's cheek.

Sam nodded.

"Good! Because I have something for you."

Mon took Sam's hand and lead her to the couch.

"Maybe I should get you a phone. We can text each other. That way you won't be worried anymore right?"

"Maybe. But I don't know how to use a smartphone."

"If a five years old kid knows how to use, then you'll be fine Sam. I'll teach you of course."

"You didn't bought me a smartphone right?"

"No, not yet. It's something else which I think you'll love."

Mon took out two boxes of packaging.

"Tadaaa! I don't know which one you like or prefer. So I just bought both of them. Also because they're so cute. Whichever you don't want, I'll take it. Or if you like both, it's yours."

It was two cameras. A film camera and a polaroid camera.

"Why are they so cute?! I love them! I can't wait to take pictures with it. Let me try! Let me try!"

Sam was so excited like she's a kid in a candy shop. They load the film and polaroid sheets into both camera.

"Here, try the polaroid first. We'll get the result instantly."

"Alright, you're going to be my model. You ready? 1.. 2.. 3"


The polaroid camera shutters with a dash of flash. A sheet of polaroid film came out of the camera. They waited a few seconds for the photo to develop.

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