Chapter 8 - The Moon Is Beautiful Isn't It?

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Have you ever thought of risking it all? It might be once in a lifetime chance. But you can't help feeling afraid of the consequences and possibilities of your actions. You might've lose it all or you could have it all. You tried to find the right words hoping that if you choose it right, it might change the results. But in the end, it doesn't matter what words did you chose, if it's meant to be it will be.


"We're here."

"The.. Science Club??"

Becky asked confused as why are they standing in front of the front door of their college Science Club in the middle of the night.

"I thought you said you're taking me to your favourite place when you wanted to be alone."

Becky continued.

"Yes.. This is it."

Freen replied while busy rummaging the lock trying to unlock the door.

"Freen! Why are we breaking into the building??"

"It's not breaking and entering if I have the key to it. Lower your voice or we'll get caught later."

"Why do we have to lower our voice if we're not breaking and entering??"


The lock finally opens and Freen pushed the door.

"Come in Becky!"

Freen hold Becky's hand and pulled her inside the building with her.

It was dark only with a slight hint of light from the windows. It's clear enough for them to walk and not bumped into things.

"Freen you better have some explanation for this."

"Shhh! We'll get to that later don't worry. Let's go."

She keeps on pulling Becky's hand and guides her to the stairs leading to the rooftop.


Another lock opened and Freen pushed the door revealing the rooftop.


"Don't tadaaa me Freenky."

Becky crossed her arms.

"Why are you so grumpy Becbec~ Fine.. Come here."

Freen pulled on Becky's hand again and pulled her closer.

"In my defense, I didn't break into this building. I already have permission."

"From who?"

"From the president of the club of course. I got the key from him. He's one of my close friends. He knows I like to spend time here. Whenever I want to spend my time here, I'll just asked him for the key."

"Just like that and he give it to you? Huh.. He must've like you a lot."

Becky replied with a hint of jealousy in her tone.

"Becky, he's gay."


"Are you jealous? No one is stealing me from you."

"Who said I'm jealous?"

"Sure.. Bec. Sure."

Freen then took two folding chairs from the small storage room on the rooftop and placed it for them to sit.

"So.. This rooftop is actually where you like to spend your time?"

Becky asked while sitting on one of the chair and Freen nodded to the question.

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