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It's actually my birthday today on 20th of January~ But there's only a few minutes left for my birthday because I was busy at work.

Just want to let you know that I will be taking a rest for a while. Don't worry, nothing's wrong, everything is okay. It's just that I need some time to brainstorm ideas for my writing, for future chapters that's all. I've been caught up with my work so much I didn't get the chance to plan for future chapters. The Ghost of You series means a lot to me so I want to give the best that I can for myself and my fellow readers 🤍

I honestly didn't have any plan to end this story yet. Because I love it so much, I want to continue writing it. I hope that you won't get tired and bored of it okay? I'll give my best to you. I even have a plan for this story to make it into a trilogy 👀 I mean... if you're interested? Hehe there's still so many I wanted to write and so many parts to unfold.

Thank you for giving this story so much love. I only write this for fun at first. I didn't think that it'll get so many loves 🥹 Again, thank you! This series is my comfort zone. I get excited every day to continue writing this story.

Do let me know in the comments what you think of my story so far or maybe which chapters you like the most and why hehe I would love to know that 🤍

Stay tuned for more okayyyy~? 🤍

With love,

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