Chapter 14 - In Sickness And In Health

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"I'll be leaving soon. I need to be at the airport in an hour."

The older girl said as she was checking for her things for the last time before leaving.

Becky came to Freen's apartment early just to say goodbye to her.


A very short answer from the younger girl.

"You seem a bit sad?"

"Of course I am. You're leaving me."

"Well.. To be fair, you left me before. You went to England. Remember? And it wasn't a nice farewell too."

"Freenky~ I said sorry so many times already for that."

"Hahaha I know I know~ I'm just teasing you. Will someone come and pick you up later?"

"Yes, I already told my brother."

"Great. Oh, here."

Freen gave something to Becky before she forgot.

"A key??"

Becky asked in confusion.

"That's my spare key. Just in case if you want to have a sleepover or anything. It's closer to the college, it will be easier for you. Feel free to make yourself at home anytime you want."

"Ohh.. That was nice of you."

"I guess this is it. I'm running late, I should leave now."

"You'll text me right Freenky??"

"If I'm not too busy.."

"Oh.. okay."

Becky was disappointed.

"Of course I'll text you. I promise. Even if I'm busy, I will at least text you goodnight."

"I don't believe you."

"What? Why??"

"Here. Promise me."

Becky lifted her pinky finger.

"Huh?? A pinky promise?"

"Yup. It says that whoever breaks the pinky promise needs to cut off their pinky finger."

Becky said seriously but Freen was holding back her laugh, amused with the girl childish behaviour. Probably one of the reason she loves to tease Becky sometimes.

"I promise."

Freen intertwined her pinky with Becky's.

They locked eyes for a while, until Becky asked for something.

"Can I.. get a kiss?"

"Bec.. I don't think we should."

Freen was thinking twice because she knows it will probably lead to something else which will make her missed her flight.

"It's just a kiss, I promise."

Becky's eyes pleading.

Defeated with the puppy dog eyes, Freen proceeded to give Becky a long, sweet kiss. Freen lick her own lips after the kiss, tasting the lingering sweetness of the other girl's lips probably wanting more of it.

 Freen lick her own lips after the kiss, tasting the lingering sweetness of the other girl's lips probably wanting more of it

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