Chapter 26 - Not A Bed Of Roses

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The next day Freen went back home to their penthouse knowing Becky will be gone to college at that time so she didn't have to face Becky.

She went upstairs and open the door to the bedroom.


Becky was there on the bed.


She was asleep but once she heard the door opened, she immediately wakes up and automatically called for her girlfriend even though she didn't see her yet.

"Baby, you're back. I'm so -"

"I'm only here to get some of my clothes. I'm not staying."

"But -"

"Shouldn't you be in college??"

"I.. called in sick."

"... Are you sick??"


"Then you shouldn't skipped class."

She went in their walk in closet and started to stuffed some of her clothes inside her luggage.

"As if you care if I'm really sick or if I'm skipping classes. You left me alone last night without a trace! I was worried sick!"

Becky was annoyed with how Freen is acting right now.  Freen keeps on ignoring her as if nothing's happening. Becky started huffing as she was holding her patience but she bursted and started to get mad by this silent treatment.

"Do not ignore me, Sarocha. I don't get it, what is it that you want?? You don't want me to go?? Fine! I'll stay! For you! I wanted to talk, but you keeps on running! For fuck sake Freen, what the fuck did you want?? Please.. please baby.. tell me what is it that you want???"

Her voice increased with a demanding tone. Becky panted as she gets everything out of her chest.

"I want you to follow your dream! Okay??! Fuck, I'm so proud of you baby, I know you wanted it so much and you deserve it. You deserve everything in the world. There's nothing I want more than for you to achieve what you want. I want to be a partner who supports everything that you do!"

Freen confessed as her voice cracked for holding in her tears.

"Then what is it that makes you acted like this??"

Becky asked softly as she went closer to Freen and tenderly caressed her cheek with her thumb. Her gentle eyes looking deep into Freen's hoping for an answer.

Freen leaned into the touch only for a mere second but then she removed Becky's hand from her cheek and held both of the hands tightly into hers.

"God, help me. You want to know what is bothering me huh?? Baby, listen to me. Long. Distance. Relationship. Doesn't. Work! And you know I am right about it! Stop acting like it didn't ever crossed your mind! You were once in that relationship!"

Becky was speechless and frozen now that she finally knows what is bothering Freen the most. This time her eyes were searching for any hint of love into Freen's teary eyes.

"F- Fuck!!"

The taller girl screamed as she curled her fist tightly that the veins were visible.

Then she turned around and banged her arms on the door of the closet behind her when she realised this must've been too much for both of them.

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