Chapter 21 - Sweet Dreams 🔞

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"What's these??"

"Oh, I got these from P'Knight the other day. I think it's gonna help you on your nightmares. They're rose water and rose oil."

"Emm.. smells so good."

"I'll turn on the diffuser and drops a few of this oil in it. Let's try this first and see how it goes. If it's comforting, maybe we can try other methods too. Go take a shower first. I'll get the bed ready."

"Your wish is my command babe."

Freen gave a peck on Becky's lips.

A few minutes later, Freen came out of the bathroom wearing her sleeping gown. The first thing she saw was Becky with her hair in an updo at the end of the bed, sitting on the ottoman. The second thing she noticed was the fragrant smell of roses in the air, filling her nose.

"Hey baby. It smells really good isn't it?"

"I like it. It reminds me of you."

Freen gets comfortable on the bed while Becky is still at the end of it.

Freen gets comfortable on the bed while Becky is still at the end of it

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"Do I smell like roses?"

"Sometimes. I don't know why, but it really does reminds me of you. Aren't you coming here with me?"

"I have a few chapters to study first. Don't wait up for me if you're already sleepy."

"Oh.. that's okay. I'm not sleepy yet. You can go ahead and study. It'll be late later. I'll read a book."


The clock strikes midnight and Freen loses count on how many times she yawns waiting for her girlfriend to come to bed with her. Becky was too focused on studying. Freen drifted off to sleep a few times already but tried hard to stay awake. Becky finally noticed this behaviour and asked the older girl.

"Freen, honey?"


Freen answered lazily.

"If you're that sleepy why didn't you just sleep??"

"I.. I don't want to sleep alone. I'm afraid that I'll get the nightmare again.. so I'll just wait until you finish and come to bed with me."

"Baby.. why didn't you say so??"

"I don't want to bother you.."

"Go ahead and sleep. I'll be right there by your side in a minute. I'll take my books with me on the bed, you just get comfortable first."

In a while, both of them were getting comfortable on the bed, with Becky bringing her books and Freen curled on her side.

"Goodnight Becbec. I love you."

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