Chapter 13 - One Last Time 🔞

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This chapter contains mature content. If you're not comfortable, feel free to skip the part. I'll put a warning sign before and after.


- Flashbacks -

"Hey P'Knight, do you believe in ghost?"

"What's with the sudden question Khun Mon? I thought you didn't believe in this stuff."

"You're one of my closest and trusted friend, and right now I'm talking to you as my friend, not my personal assistant. So, can I trust you with something?"

"You don't even need to ask. What is it about?"

"Remember that night I almost died?"

"I mean.. How can I forgot that? You scared the hell out of me. You probably died if I didn't turn back."

"Exactly. And the reason you turned  back was because you heard the crash, and you didn't think it was you who saved me in the first place."

"Uh oh.. I see where this is going. Are you telling me that the one who actually save you was.. A GHOST?!"

"Shhh tone down your voice!"

"Sorry.. Sorryy.. Are you serious?"

"Yes, it's.. Khun Samanun. The first owner of the mansion."

"And how did you know this??"

"Because I'm living with her, and.. I'm dating her."


"SHHHHH! Yes, we've been dating for a while."

"Wh- I- *sighed* I'm gonna need more context to understand the story."

"I'll tell you more later but before that, I'm trusting you with a favour."

"I'm not gonna like it am I?"

- End of Flashbacks -


Mon parked her car in front of the mansion. She closed the door of her car and started to walk to the front door of the mansion.

"Why is the house so dark?? What is Sam doing in the dark?"

She thought to herself. She turns the doorknob and push the door slightly.

"Baby~ What were you doing in the dark??"

Mon didn't hear any reply, and this is when she noticed the staircase were illuminates with small scented candles. Vanilla scents and soothing warm orange lights filled the house giving a romantic vibes. She noticed a rose on the table with a note.

" Follow Me 💋"

The note was stamped with a red lipstick. She knows damn well that was her favourite lipstick, and the lips.. Definitely the lips of the woman she wants to devour tonight.


A smile painted on her face with excitement throughout her body.

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