Chapter 8 - First (Part 1)

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, don't worry I'll still update but it might take some time. Anywayyy enjoy this chapter!

"I still don't get it. WHY are we cooking?"

"Because you wanted a picnic, Sam."

Mon replied while focusing on something that she made on the stove.

"Well, yeah. But with TAKEOUTS or DELIVERIES."

"Noooo this is more fun! See? We get to spend more time bantering."

"You're lucky you're cute."

"Oh really?", Mon smirked.

Sam went closer to the woman in front of her with a mischievous look.

Sam went closer to the woman in front of her with a mischievous look

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"Sam.. I know what you're doing. Stop it. I said STOP- HAHAHAHA"

Sam tickles the petite woman without mercy.


Suddenly thunder roars outside, echoing through the mansion. Sam stops the tickles and turn her attention to the sound of thunder.

"It's raining.", Sam said disappointedly.

"Hey.. We'll just wait for a while. Maybe it'll stop soon. It's probably just passing clouds."

Unfortunately, it's not. It's been raining heavily for an hour straight accompanied by thunders and lightning.

"It doesn't seems like it's going to stop soon."

"I'm sorry Sam. I should've just ordered deliveries, it'll save time and we could've had our picnic."

"It's not your fault.", Sam gave Mon a soft smile.

"Good thing is we won't be starving because you already cook. Let's just have dinner together. I'll prepare the table." Sam added comforting Mon who felt guilty.

"I'll go get changed first."

It doesn't seems like Sam is upset about the picnic. Because there's a sorrow in her face that could've been more than just a cancelled picnic.

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