Chapter 5 - The Line Between Life And Death

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"So.. The woman in the photo with you.. She looks just like me."

Mon and Sam continued their conversation in the living room. It was a bit awkward at first, but they'll get used to it.

"Yes.. She is my fiancée. Was."

Mon can see Sam's eyes turns glassy at the mentioned of her fiancée.

"I'm sorry for your lost. I don't want to open up your wounds back, but living with me who wears the face of her didn't help either."

"It's alright, I love your company. I know you're not her, but seeing a familiar face and the one that I loved dearly, it's.. soothing." The ghost replied.

"What happened? Since we'll be living together, it's only fair if you share your story. Think of it as.. A rent!", Mon giggles.

"A rent? You're collecting rent from a ghost? The owner of the house? I swear your sense of humor is just like her."

"Correction, I'M the current owner of this house. Come on.. I know you've been dying to talk to someone. Oh shit, no offense." Mon blurted out without realising what she said until later.

"None taken. I am dead after all. Fine, what do you want to know?"

"EVERYTHING. Wait how long have you lived as a ghost??", Mon asked curiously.

"I lost count. What year is it now?"

"It's 2023."

"Huh.. Really? It's 20 years then."

Even Sam was shocked it's been that long. But there's a question in her mind that she's been wanting for answers.

"I'm still confused. You weren't supposed to see me, let alone talk to me. What just happened?? I mean, it was normal until -"

"Until I came back from the dead.", Mon answered.

The two woman exchanged a look.

"Do you think that was the reason why you can see me?", asked the ghost.

"Could be. I probably caught in the middle when I crossed the line of life and death but ended up being back alive.", Mon shared her theory.

"Life and death.. Wait, I wanna try something!"

Sam reached her left palm out in front of her gesturing Mon to do the same and she did, but with her right hand. Their palms are now facing each other as both of them tried to close the gap.

Slowly, their palms touched as they felt a shock of electricity through the skin

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Slowly, their palms touched as they felt a shock of electricity through the skin. Their hands linger for a while as the soft skins touch.

"I- I can touch you. It didn't work before when I tried saving you."

"Wow.. I don't know what to say. I'm still processing what's happening.", Mon is still in awe.

They slowly pulled their hands off.

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