Chapter 15 - The Ghost Of You

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A/N: This is it guys. This is...



"Sam, look what I found."

Mon read the paragraph to Sam.

"Quantum entanglement. When two ions or particles of energy are created in the same space, whatever the distance, they seem to be linked. One would say they appear to be drawn to each other. The trick is that while you might not be aware of it, you might recognise this other person - however some part of you “remembers.” We have the feeling of “knowing this person before that I am meeting for the first time.”  How was it possible to experience those emotions upon meeting someone for the first time? It only makes sense that you have already encountered them, and part of the adventure involves discovering how and why."

"Hmm.. Very interesting. Now we're talking science?"

"Hahaha I'm just helping you with your research in any possible way Sam. Now tell me, what did you find?"

Sam begin to read her paragraph.

"Any individual with a strong desire to acquire something during their present existence but unable to do so, their tremendous desire will remain in their subconscious until the moment they pass. The soul carries on to the subsequent birth after leaving the body. Fortunately or unfortunately, in this life, we don't remember the things from our previous existence. Some souls have a Primary Romantic Soulmate - who is always their spouse or lover in most past lives, but this is pretty rare."

"This is fun."

"Talking about DEATH is fun??"

"Nooo silly.. Doing this with you. Instead of you doing this alone, hiding from me. You know I'm with you no matter what right?"

She said in the most delicate voice. Mon rubbed Sam's hand with her thumb.

"I've never doubted you baby."

Sam took Mon's hand that's rubbing hers and kissed the palm.

"All these books, researches.. Do you really want to be with me that much in the next life?"

"I want us to be together in THIS life. But with you being a human.. And me, the dead.. The next life is a failsafe. Why..? You don't want to be with -"


Mon pressed her index finger to Sam's plump lips silencing her.

"I've never wanted anything as much as I want to be with you in every millisecond."

Mon continued.

Sam took Mon's finger into her mouth and give it a soft suck full of love

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Sam took Mon's finger into her mouth and give it a soft suck full of love. Mon giggled and took out her finger only to replace it with her own lips to Sam's and they smiled into the sweet kisses.

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