Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 1)

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"Sam, wear something nice tonight okay? I'll pick you up at 8pm."

"Huh?? For what??"

"It's a secret.", Mon winked.

"Okay..? What do you mean something nice? Something sexy? Something hot? Cute? I don't know what's the occasion. What am I supposed to wear??"

"Hmm.. Just go for something that you think I'll like hehe"

"Will you just tell me what is it about tonight?"

"Nopeeee.. Gotta go baby! Bye~~"

"What the - Mon!"

The petite woman left in a hurry avoiding to answer more questions but stop for a while at the door.

"Oh, and Sam? Promise me you will not go outside or even look outside today? Especially the garden and backyard."

"That was seriously weird Mon. If I'm not suspicious before, I am now."

Sam replied crossing her arms.


Her puppy dog eyes are begging for Sam to agreed.

"You are so weird but too cute to resist. Fine~"

"Yes! Gotta go now! I love you~"

Mon left the mansion leaving Sam hanging with lots of questions.


"Sam is gonna lose her breath seeing me in this."

Mon took a mirror selfie in front of the bathroom mirror in her office to commemorate her outfit that's probably going to kill Sam for the second time

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Mon took a mirror selfie in front of the bathroom mirror in her office to commemorate her outfit that's probably going to kill Sam for the second time.

The engine of her pink porsche roars in front of the mansion. Mon turns the ignition off as she steps out from her driver's seat wearing heels, with a revealing white short dress that hugs her body showing her curves and lots of skin.

"Sam? Are you ready?"

She looks for her girlfriend once she entered the mansion. She turns her head to the sound of heels clacking on the staircase.

"Does this define something that you'll like?"

"Does this define something that you'll like?"

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