Chapter 10 - Pillow Talk

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A/N: I'm backkk I put a lot of work in this chapter and was really excited writing it. I'm sorry if previous chapter wasn't up to your expectation but I redeemed myself with this chapter hehe hope you guys likes it!


The clock strikes at midnight, the moon casting a silver glow over everything in sight, the wind whistle and blew over the dried leaves on the ground. Laying in bed are two figures of beautiful women, an immortal and a mortal.

Mon lays on her stomach with her back exposed as she was topless. The only thing covering her was the sheet on her lower back. Cold sweat started to dry off her body from their little romantic "rendezvous" before. Sam snaked her hand through the back of Mon's small waist and lifted herself halfway up and started to kiss Mon's shoulders. Her soft lips trailed through the spine of Mon's bare back with hot kisses. Sam is the kind who always provides aftercare of their steamy session.


"Hmm?" She answered still busy peppering kisses.

"Have you.. ever thought about passing on? To the.. afterlife?"

Sam freezed to the question. She stops her kisses and adjusted her position. Her face changed hearing the unexpected question. Mon can see that Sam turns a bit defensive. Mon turns her body around, pulling the sheet up covering her bare chest.

"Sam, it's just an honest question. I'm not asking you to do anything. You do know we'll talk about this sooner or later."

"I don't like to talk about it."


Mon reached her hand to hold Sam's comfortingly.

"Look, I don't know how. I didn't even know why I'm here in the first place. But now that you're here with me, I- I don't want to."

"My guess is, you haven't moved on from your past life. That's why you're still here. Maybe your regret is what's holding you here."

"I like it here now. With you. You're the one who said 'live in the moment' right? Now why are you asking me all this??"

"I know, I know.. but-"

"Stop it Mon. If you don't want me here just say it."

Sam gets off the bed and wears her robe. She then storms out of the bedroom without saying anything more leaving Mon in confusion.

"Th- that's not what I mean! Sam, wait. Sam!"

Sam slammed the door loudly. Mon sighed, slightly regretting her action now that Sam is mad. She runs her hands through her hair taking a deep breath and exhaled calmly.


After some time, Mon went down the stairs and into the living room to where Sam is, hoping that the woman had cool down a bit. Sam can hear the footsteps coming down and getting closer to her who's laying on the couch.

"You don't have to pretend that you're asleep."

Sam opens her eyes after Mon discovered her act.

"Can I sit next to you?"

"No." Sam answered shortly.

Mon's eyes turned droopy as it wasn't the answer that she wanted to hear.

"But you can lay here with me."

Sam adjusted her position a bit, getting more comfortable on the couch and opens her arms for Mon to lay on her chest.

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