Yelling in car

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Yelling in car

My mom was the only one that drove us kids around and her being vane wanted a $40,000 SUV. The result is the car never got maintenance and the gas gauge was never above 1/4th of a tank, more often than not when I would look up at the dashboard the low fuel warning would be on. The logical thing would be to downgrade vehicles and live within your means. My mother didn't want to do that, or accept that there wasn't any money for these possessions.

Anyways my mother was I guess a good driver, the one thing that burns into my mind and I can still hear it now was literally every time my mother would drive if someone got too close behind her she would slam on the brakes and yell "Get Off!" referencing that she wanted the driver to "get off her tail." Again the logical thing would be to switch lanes and let them pass, instead my mother tried to cause a wreck and going back to the yelling. The person she was mad at was an entire car length behind and the windows were up so literally it was my mom yelling at us as loud as she could and there is nothing we could do but endure her screams. I really don't think she understood that when you yell at the driver behind you, they can't hear you, we kids could, and it was the most infuriating thing to deal with time and time again. 

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