You Can't Sing
One memory that pains me so is my treatment of my sister in our youth. I wasn't alone, we were taught to put each other down and shame each other by our parents at any and every opportunity would arise.
Anyways my sister enjoyed singing and would do so whenever music was on. When I was ages 6-8 and she was 11-13 for three years any and every time she sang a song around me I would scold her telling her "You can't sing." I'm sorry Sam for always putting you down, but it was what I had been conditioned to do, not that that is an excuse but still.
My sister enjoyed singing so much that she wanted to have a singing concert at the local park with her friend across the street Malory. The two of them put up flyers around the neighborhood without telling my mom. When my mother found out, she told my sister she couldn't do that, to go take the flyers down she had put up in the neighborhood, and just really made her feel bad with the words she chose to speak with her. My sister had to go around the neighborhood taking the flyers down which is very sad a mother would treat her daughter like that whenever she truly enjoyed an activity.
I know I was only 6 years old and I can only see things rational at 30 but God I wish I had been more supportive, I mean my mother was the one in charge, but I could have complemented my sister's singing and perhaps stayed at the local park to reserve one of the overhang area where a concert could have been performed. It was a small resting area at the park where I am sure any other neighbors would have been happy to attend and support my sister and her friend.

Searching for the Answer
SachbücherThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.