Now let me tell you about Damien. I've known the guy since 7th grade so I am qualified for this analysis. Literally every time Damien saw something that made you happy that he didn't have he would manipulate you, and try and take that from you. The 1st time this happened was in 7th grade when I invited some friends to spend the weekend at my house, and so we did. As soon as Damien came into my room he started looking at my possessions, one of which was an electric guitar. He spent the night trying to learn how to play by using my computer in my room. Several times he asked how much I id for it and kept commenting how little value they are once played. This was my 1st time Damien tried to take my property through manipulation.
I wasn't alone in the subjection to this pattern of behavior, he did the same thing to everyone that called him a friend. When his stepbrother was dating a girl and not spending time with her, Damien came in and took her away. When we went together to buy my first car, he test drove it and wanted it so bad he tried to convince me to drive his car while he drove mine which was much faster. I ended up totaling that car when a guy ran a red light and when I told Damien, all he wanted was for me to y to ship the car back to Ohio for $1,000 so he could have the engine for himself after years of trying to take it. After that crash I got the full blue book value for my bmw and combined that money with 3 months of working 14 hours a day at two jobs I was able to get $6,500 together for my second car. When I went back to Ohio after the summer had passed I stayed with Damien and his roommate Cory until the dorms opened up. Immediately he saw my car and I could see the jealousy in his eyes. Over the course of the next 8 years he would try anything to get the car from me, claiming he would make payments. My thing is if you can make payments go to a dealership or anyone else, stop trying to take happiness from others. When it broke down and only needed three screws to fix it, Damien tried buying to off me again, fortunately my roommates uncle was a mechanic and he fixed it in 2 minutes. As a joke I told Damien that I was just going to let the city take the car, it was in need of too much repair and I had no money and he freaked out and called me and was pretty much doing everything he could to get the car from me. I told him it was a joke and it only needed three screws to fix to which he tried taking his frustration and anger out on me so I hung up the phone with him and I didn't call or keep into contact with him after that. There were occasions where we would go drinking for my birthday, but I didn't give him my new phone number when I switched phones, I never want to talk to the guy again.
One of our final moments as potential friends occurred in 2016 or 2017 on my birthday when Damien invited me to go to the bars and hang out, to which I agreed. He thought it was going to be a fun night reconnecting with one of his oldest and closest friends when really it was a night where I finally told Damien how much it hurt me when he slept with Jen. After having a few drinks, we went to our friend Jason's house to hang out and I was pretty drunk so I don't remember what started it, but I was sad for some reason, alcohol tends to just make me sad and the thoughts of Jen came to my mind. Damien thought I wasn't hanging out with him because when I needed Ritalin to not go into hallucinogen perception disorder he would make it such a difficult task to buy them from him even when I would offer $3 over regular price per pill and offering any convenience to meet him. This went on for a couple months, I distinctly remember I called him once to see when he was going to get his refill because he already had a script and his response was "sorry bud, but I have a life going on." He knew he had something that I needed and relished in it, treating me like shit. If he had needed anything from me, I would have dropped everything to help him and in return he plays me and my addiction to feel power and bolster his ego.
Anyways we were in Jason's kitchen and again I was sad and Damien I think asked why we didn't hang out anymore asking if it was because of Ritalin and I told him "no, I will take what you did to me and my in to the grave." After a few minutes of him trying to get it out of me I finally told him with tears in my eyes that the reason was because he slept with Jen, the only girl I had ever tried to date myself. He took her from me slowly but that's a story for another time. After I said that Damien went outside alone and I think was crying. Jason went outside to see what was up and when Jason came back in he was like 'go give him a hug" and "sort it out or let it go." I did neither but we all went outside after a few moments of Jason's return. It was Jason, his girlfriend, Damien, and myself. I think he was crying when we got outside and said something along the lines that I was the one person he would never want to hurt, but it's too late now. When I was cuddling Jen the first night after we all got drunk I I told him that "I had wanted this forever." And he just replied that he read all her phone texts and unknown to me in those texts she stated she liked Damien not me and he took the most advantage of the situation as possible. He began dating Jen behind my back because he knew it was wrong so wouldn't say it was her or she would say I'm going to meet a friend. One day before I went to work at Retail Associates I texted Damien asking if I could come over chill and smoke a cig outside his apartment, because smoking on campus was a hassle, and he never responded so I went over to his apartment anyways. He didn't live far away so I was there quick. When I got outside his apartment door I heard music playing really loud and didn't think it was that unusual so I knocked on the door a few time and no one answered so I made the heartbreaking mistake of opening the door anyways. When I opened it Jen was in her underwear on his couch facing away from the door so she never saw me. I never told Damien that this happened, when he finally responded I just told him that I went into work early. Like how could you do that to a homeless orphan that had lost everything and only wanted one thing from this life, the comforting touch of a woman.
So this became pattern, going in order he took Brandy from Evan, tried to get my guitar and desktop from me in our middle school years. He bought Jason's old car in payments to him, he took Jen away from me, and literally as long as he knew about my cars and wanted them for himself. At this point in my life I Rochester't spoken to him in several years which I think is for the best. The night at Jason's we were sitting on the concrete and Damien was crying and said that he was sorry, but I know he wasn't and this was an act of manipulation.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.