Father Flash
They say behaviorsare learned and that what you experience can be a mocking of the parentalfigure. This applies to both of my parents. They must have gone through somekind of hell in their childhood to treat me the way they did. Fortunate for meis I chose not to imitate my father, even to this day I refuse to drink beer orany alcohol. I also shave my face every 2 days so I don't resemble him in anyway. My grandfather had a moustache, my father had a moustache and goatee andmy brother has a beard. I refuse to be like them in any way so I have beenclean shaven since 14, 16 years to date. Going back to the story, when I wasages 3-4 and my sister was 8-9 and my brother was 10-11. I don't remember mybrother having to go through this, but my father would pull out his penisasking me and my sister if" we wanted to see monster?" My 37-year-old fatherwould regularly show his penis to his 3 and 8-year-old children. I being 3 andmy older sister being 8, subjected to a male penis, brandished with pride, thiswas truly disturbing and disgusting behavior of a father

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.