Every Cop is Bad
One day when I was living at Heartland in 2014-2015 I had spent the entire morning studying and hadn't eaten anything all day, so once I was finished I made a plan to go get food from Wings N Things across town. Where I lived, the road that leads from my house to Wings N Things the speed limit was 55mph but literally everyone did 60 mph. If you didn't go 60 you would get passed by twenty different cars. As the road came to an end and to a light that is when everyone slows down to 45, but the city put the sign up to drop the speed limit a couple hundred feet before the light so technically everyone should have been doing 45 but no one did.
This comes into play because when I went to go get food I was driving the road as always when before I hit the light there was a motorcycle cop sitting in the shadow under the bridge right after the speed limit dropped. There were at least fifteen cars behind me "speeding" but I was first and driving a bmw so he pulled me over. From that point on I always did 45 at the sign drop and every single day I did I got passed by twenty cars.
Anyways I pull over and the cop gets out of his car and questions "do you know how fast you were going?" "Do you know the speed limit on this road?" Like stupid pointless asshole questions. He knew for a fact no one slowed down until the light and he took advantage of it to get one over on college kids. This is likely because he was too stupid to get a college degree and was a small kid bullied in high school and thought "hey how can a ruin people's lives and put them in cages? Oh, I'll become a cop, a member of the blue brotherhood." And so he wrote me a ticket for doing 61 in a 45 which made me end up taking defensive driving for 8 hours and paying over $175 for a ticket. They are supposed to be servants to the public but all they do is bully and act like tyrants hiding behind a gun and a badge. I don't know what happens when we die, if there is heaven or hell, but I think it is best stated in that "all dogs go to heaven, all cops go to hell."

Searching for the Answer
Não FicçãoThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.