Todd & Gabriel Logic
Todd was an interesting guy he was probably in his early to mid-50's and he was one of my roommates during my 3 month long stay at OSH. One of the peculiar things he did was he would just shout logic as he walked around the inner courtyard sidewalk that lead to the buildings. One day when I was sitting on one of the benches in the courtyard Todd was doing his rounds and his fact this day was that "light-years are not a measurement of time, they are a measurement of distance."
One day when I was sitting with the orderly that was in charge who was probably 6'4 and in the upper 300 in lbs, he was a big guy and I only saw him square up once to a patient and in general he was a really nice guy. He was also a preacher whenever he wasn't working at OSH. Anyways when we were sitting and talking about random conversation, preacher, myself, and another resident or two. Gabriel walks by and we were for some reason discussing pay rates with work and Gabriel spouted some logic in that he turned to us and said "the first 40 hours are regular pay, any hours after that are id time and a half."
These were just random examples of how some of the people labeled insane, unfit to function in society, were actually some normal people that just found themselves succumb to the negative facets of life. Everyone there had been through trauma, genetic mental illness or not, so it was nice that during the time there we could talk and joke and laugh about the situation we all found ourselves in.

Searching for the Answer
NonfiksiThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.