Bryce Movies Blockbuster
As a teenager in high school when my brother was in his early twenties he I don't believe had a job or was in school so he spent every night wanting to watch movies with me. He had no real friends other than Jack, and even then he would just invite Jack over to watch movies. I get it, I enjoy movies too, but it was spending every single night watching other people live their lives as I watched the years of my prime youth draining away.
I wanted to be going out and being social, not be trapped in a room with a brother that smokes weed and does dip and rants on about how he hates women. Bryce was a terrible role model and when I reflect on him I see the same traits of Damien freshman year of college when he was an asshole. Anyways instead of studying right after school and going to sleep by 9:00pm and repeat my brother wanted to stay up until 2:00am when I had school the next day. We would watch at least two movies a night if not three because my brother had the Blockbuster subscription to where he paid a set fee for unlimited rents.
To paint a picture, as soon as the sun went down he would bring movies he rented to my room and we would begin sitting on the couch just watching other people live their lives for hours every single night. He was doing steroids during this time period so he would complain over and over about how his "butt hurt." It angered me because it wasn't an issue of pain, it was him throwing at my face how we were stricken by poverty. The couch was a futon and the mattress was so old and worn down that of course there wouldn't be much padding, and Bryce complained about it every single night multiple times a night. It was frustrating because it was like when Mrs. Simpleton asked me if my phone was broken after telling her five times that no it wasn't it was because I couldn't afford the minutes. Bryce would complain about the pain which was caused by a thin mattress because we couldn't afford any better. The way my brother acted back then in regards towards his treatment of me he fits to a T the same character as Harold Mavelly, the grandfather I hated with all my heart and soul.
Aside from him doing steroidsand smoking, he was prescribed a sleeping medication that he would take beforeor during the first movie we watched. About thirty minutes later he would justgo on about he really feels his sleeping pill, that "I can already feel mysleeping pill." Bryce was born an addict and received the associated traitsfrom my father and this was just the first time for such traits to rear theirugly head. By all means of the definition Bryce was an addict and he feltbetter about himself being faded and taking away time for life of his 7 yearyounger brother

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.