2nd ST OSH Counselor

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2nd ST OSH Counselor

When I was in my second month at OSH in my second visit during my mid-twenties I had already been trapped there for an extra month due to my brother's drunken stupor intervention. Once again the pattern would repeat itself where my words were twisted. What I chose to speak imprisoned me, so what is the motive to talk to anyone if they just want control over you?

Anyways about three days before my discharge I had a counselor come and visit me. I agreed to talk to her to see if she could help me resolve any remaining issues. So we went to the bench outside the patient ward, she sat on my right and I to her left. After basic introductions and a shared knowledge that she herself went to Ohio ST so there was some kind of latent trust in our report she took over. She asked me "do you have the same thoughts as when you first got to OSH?" I perceived the question as her asking me if my thinking patterns were the same as they had been established and set in stone over the years. I replied "Well, I think so yes." These five words I spoke were a huge mistake because the counselor assumed that when she asked me about the same thoughts she meant suicidal ideation which I wasn't having nor had in over a month. She didn't delve further into conversation to clarify what she meant by the question she just took my words to the doctor and again this was days before my discharge after having spent two months there. The doctor took her word as gold as well and the next day which should have been my discharge meeting with the doctor he informed me that I was not cleared to leave due to the ST counselor woman, I don't even remember her name, just the actions she took. This was a huge hit on my trusting in counselors, doctors, paintient staff, and even my remaining family.

Anyways after getting the news I wouldn't leave I refused to ever speak to a counselor in OSH again. I've said it before but when the words you choose to speak ultimately imprison you there is distrust in humanity and no reason to ever speak.

They say that to find happiness you need to look at the golden nugget in the situation. I was thinking that due to my extended stay in OSH, over three months, then a month in rehab, that those were the reasons I was approved for disability in my first mailed application under the pretense of non-functionality from Bipolar Disorder. There was also the fact that I went to a state based facility in Oakridge so the odds were in my favor, I had to suffer then to have what I have now.

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