Wellbutrin Seizure
When I was living with my grandmother in maybe 2019 I had to do 100 hours of community service per my probation so I went through various places to work and volunteer making sure that they would allow me. Even though I have a white collar crime of credit card abuse it's still a felony which bared me from being able to volunteer at most places. Anyways I called the dog shelter in town asking if they would accept me as a volunteer to which they responded yes they need clothes washed, dogs walked, and various other tasks that a typical paid employee would do. At this time, I was taking the medication Wellbutrin which lowers the seizure threshold meaning that there is a much higher possibility of having one without notice.
So I arrived at the animal shelter in the morning to do introduction to the various tasks until we cleaned out the cages then they said I could take dogs on walks. The first trip an employee showed me the path to take as we walked two of the shelter dogs. Everything went fine so when we got back they told me I could walk another dog, there were about fifteen or more at this shelter. After being told some of the younger dogs couldn't go in the grass I found one of appropriate age and got the leash to hook up to him so we could go for a walk.
At this time in my life I was heavily medicated on all the wrong meds so I had daily confusion in regards to basic things like time. I literally could not remember what time I arrived at various places to volunteer and I couldn't keep track of time. One instance was when I was volunteering at Waterfront Thrift I literally thought 2 hours had passed when it was only 1 and so I only got one hour for that volunteer day.
Back to the story. I hooked the leash on and the dog and I made our way out of the building and onto the sidewalk walking path. I had been fairly confused about how long I had been there and when I arrived but that was normal on the medications and my basic mental functioning at that time. As I was walking the dog we got maybe a block or so away from the animal shelter when I all of a sudden made this guugh noise and the thought in my head was "holy shit I'm having a seizure." I fell straight to the ground without bracing myself so landed on the left side of my face, eyebrow area then that was the last thing I remembered.
I blacked out and when I woke up I was on the ground on my back and my glasses were off but I could see that there was a paramedic holding me down and kept me from getting up when I attempted to do so once I regained my senses. I asked him "where are my glasses?" He responded well I hate to tell you but they are pretty messed up. My glasses had deep horizontal scratches across them from where I landed face first and started seizing back and forth. Due to landing on my left eyebrow I needed stitches and so they took me in the ambulance to the hospital to get that taken care of and for a medication related injury.
I never called the shelter back to find out what happened between me blacking out on the walk and next being woken up by paramedics. I don't know if someone noticed a dog missing for too long or if the dog ran back to the shelter or what happened, but apparently someone called 911 and the paramedics stayed with me until I regained consciousness. So this wasn't this first drug related injury I had experienced from a legitimate prescribed medication, but it certainly was one of the most damaging and costly toward my body and brain.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.